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Tumber Miltwork


Since 1888

OFFICE. MIIT, YARD AND DOCET; 2nd d Alice Sts., Ocrklcrnd Glencourt 6861

Vagabond Editorials

(Corrtinued frorn Page 10) the care and servicing of the cars, the motor car industry is the greatest of all employers, and with the reservoir now to be filled that industry will take a number of men never heard of before. >k * *

And, as I said, the building industry will be in there pitching strikes every throw . If we can just keep the leaf rakers, the deficit financiers, the fu,nny-money boys, the champions of the dole, the borrow-lend-and-spend screwballs out of the picture this time, we will have no afterwar depression, and we will have honorable jobs for every American boy who lays down his gun and returns with a thank God in his heart to his home and his country. The Communist-fronts want it otherwise. Regimentation, shorter hours, higher dollar wages, and something-fornothing is their prayer. But the real Americans are going to take control and do the job American fashion.

The economic security ", *r, "",,on after the war ends can be preserved in no other possible fashion than by creating WORK that creates WEALTH. If we should go back to the boondoggling days and try to create employment only as employment and without thought of what that employment shall produce, then we will merely pile mountain upon mou,ntain of our already sky-reaching debt. We must, on the contrary, aim to produce the largest possible volume of peace-time goods, in the shortest possible time, and at the lowest possible cost. This applies to everything, to agriculture as well as industry and commerce. We must go back to the production of all necessities and luxuries of life, and to distributing them at minimum cost to a maximum nu,mber of people. But if we go back to made-work, to the philosophy of scarcity, to shorter hours and longer payrolls without regard to production-then we are indeed in trouble, and the American way of life will be in a bad way, sho nuff. We have got to readjust ourselves to the understanding of what REAL wages and REAL wealth means, and forget the philosophy that has prevailed during the last decade which says that a dollar is in itself wealth, rather than just a medium of exchange, worthless for any other purpose.

Canqdian Western Red Cedqr

-\rrangements l'rave been rriade .,r'ith the Canadian Timber Controller .n herebv certillcatior.rs (q) { 1), (q) (2), (q)(3), ancl (q)(a) ttncler WPR Order L-335 may be accepted br- Canadian exporters Ior the shipment of Carraclian \\'estern rccl cedar lunrber to U. S. importcrs. U. S. clistributors mav irlso place nncertified and unrate<l orders u'ith Cana<lian cxPorters for deliverv of \vestern red cedar.

The Canadian Tinrber Corrtroller is directing Canadian mills to accept anrl sl.rip U. S. orclers for Canaclian u-estern red ce<iar lumber anrl to gir-c preference to thenr as follows:

1. Certified ancl rated oredrs.

2. Certificcl but rrr"rr:rtecl ortlers.

3. Unccrtihecl and rrnrated orders.

Wholesale to Lumber Yards

Sash - Windows

Gasements - Doots, etc.

Our usuql lree delivery to Lumber Ycrds crnywhere in Southern Ccrlilornicr

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