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Harcln'ood lttr.nber amounting to 70 million board feet r,vas au.ardecl to the furnitttre inciustry by the WPB, in aclclition to the 236 million board feet alreacly allotted for the third quarter. The extra lttmller collles from stocks of types n'hich har-e not been in clemand arrd in l'hich surpluses have accumulated.

Hecrvy Duty Tire Allocctions

Heavy-cluty tire allocations bv the \\-PR {or the fourth quarter are far bclorv ltasic t-reeds, ODT Director Johnson declareci. He saicl curtailment of essential truck and bus service had reached a "disturbing rate" and rvould become cumtllative. Mr. Johnson predicted the severe shortage of he:rr'1. tircs rvcluld spread to smaller-size. truck tires in the fina1 thre e mouths ol 1944.

Amendment l0 to MPR No. 26

This an.rer.rdment, effective September 8, 19'+4, ctlrrects the price oi 1x12 inch casing ancl base, aud makes several minor change-. to clarifv and correct other llrovisions of the regulatiou on Douglas fir ancl other West Coast lumber. The price of 1x12 inch flat or n.rixed grain base is correctecl to read $+9.00 per \{ board fcet, ir.rste:rcl of $45.00'

Hawk Huey Visits Ccrlilornia

Han.k Htter., fhoenix, ArizcttrlL, n-holesale lumberman, rvith Mrs. Huel'. spcnt the past s-ccli at Ycrrice, California-

As Vicegerent Snark for Arizotra hc had lleen making plans for- a llor>-T'[oo Conclttertation at Yotlllg, Arizona, on September 9, to tic in n'ith thc r\1l-Out -\nnrral o{ the Orcler, btrt reports that this has been unavoidablr' postponecl.

How Schools Spur Forestry

The e xircrie trce of Wisconsin in the tler-elopment of school iorests I'na\- prove of value to otlier forest states, accor<ling to a paurphlet callecl "Wisconsin's School Forcsts" non' being distributed to industral, schriol, ancl state le:iclers br- the Atnerican Forest Proclucts Indttstrics, Inc' -\r pa.t oi a state-spor.rsored plau, coopcr:lting n'ith private inclustrt', Wisconsin nou' has 212 schotll forests, embracitrg more than 1t1,000 acres.

U. S. Plywood Corp. \(/orld" Largest E. A, Hushes

Plywood Organization

\{arking the twenty-fifth anr-riversarv of tl're business, t1.re annnal report to stockholcicrs of L-nite<l States ['1yu'oocl Corporation for the fiscal vear ended -\pril 30, 19'1'1, records a consolidatecl net u'orth cxcceding $8.500,000. Sales for the year reached tl-re record sutn of $20,563,000, atr increase of $1,493,{)o0 or-cr the prcvi,)us ycar, attcl trct protits also reachecl a ne\\. ltigh at $913,7'11 l>efore rerleg,rtiati,tr compared u,ith $757,406 after ret.rcgotiation for the vcar irefore.

La'ivrence L)ttinger, president and {ouutler of the company, 'ivhich claims the hor-ror of bcing the largcst plywood organization in the u'orld, rec:rlls that its initial capital was $500 u,hen tl'rc prcclecessor conccrn, Unitecl Stlrtcs I)11-u'ood Co., Inc., rl,AS formed in 1919. Its name n'as chat.rged to the present title in 1937.

Originaily limitecl to jobbing of plr-u'ood and g1ue, U. S. Plywood's operations nou. embracc cight manufacturing plants, large timber holclings an<1 trvctrtr--hve distributing and saies units.

"While the management of our errterprise has been largelv augmented," N{r. Ottinger states, "it is still under tl.re active clirection of the founder and his carly associates."

Ncrmed Associcrte Price Executive

Appointrnent of John B. Lincleman, oI (irccnslroro, North Carolina, as associate pricc cxcctttive of the T,rtrnlrcr l3ranch rvas announced rccently by John S. Clcmort, clirector of the Inclustrial \'faterials and Manufacturing I)ivisions of the Office of Price Administration.

Arizonq Ycrrd Remodels Ollices

The Halstea<l Lumber Companl', remodeled its ollices. The oflicc ancl double its {orurer size giving anrpls hardrvare, lightirrg fixtures, painting terials.

Glendalc, Ariz., has display room is norv room for display of ecluiprnent arrcl ma-

}'-r'an -\rthur Iltrghes of thc A. Hughes Lumber & Mill Co., Huntingtorr I'ark, passccl au'at- in tl.re Glcndzrle Sanitarium, Glenclale, on September 3.

Mr. Hughes u'as boru 83 r'ears ago in Cardiff, Wales, and hacl been in the lttmber business in Huntington Park for 2'2 r'cars.

]le is survivccl lr1' five sons, Erucst, E. J., Arthur Jr., Stanle-r', :ind Kenneth 1lughes; tl'o daughters, \'Irs. llussell Garlorv ar-rd Mrs. George Nevin, and three grandchildren.

Funeral services u'ere held on Septemlter 6. Interment u'as in Ingleu'oocl Ceuretcrv.

Gets Maritime Commission Contract

Frank J. Connolly, presitlcrrt of Western Ilardu,ood Lumber Co., I-os Angeles. returnecl Septembcr 8 from three u'eeks' trip to Washir.rgton. I). C., and Neu, \"ork on Maritinre Conrnrissiou business. \\'hilc he u'as in the East he secttred :r nc\\- contract for joincrv u'ork on the Victory ship prograrn for \\'estern Walkcr, Inc.

"It is ir.rteresting to notc," NIr. Connolly says, "that the N{aritime Conrmission l'ras spccifierl u'ood for funriture on these ships insteacl cif stecl. -\[ost of tl.re furniture on these ships has up to no\\' been steel. The bulkheads bet\\'een the rooms rvill be rnetal atrcl lrreproof, but the furr.riture u'ill be of l.oocl, mostly Oak."

X[r. Connoll1' lef t on Septen.rber 11 to attend a meeting of the OPA National Advisorv Committee for MPR 467, to be held in Chicago, Scptember 12 and 13. lle expected to bc back in Los Anr:eles September 14.

Convclescing At Home

J. \\tm. (8i11) Back o{ the Back Panel Company, rvhole-sale p1)'l,ood distributors, Los Angeles, returned to his horne at the end of last l.eek from a hosoital after undergoing al crnergency operation.


Builr In Sizes Qnd Models Ro Fir Your Needs


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