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lnccnontcd un&r tho hvr ol Gdltontr
J. G. Dloano, Prcr. end Tror.; Phll B. Hrst, Vlcc-Prcr.; J. E. Mrdn, Socy. Publlrbod tho lrt rnd l5th of orch rnonth rt lr&U-il CENTRAL BUILDTNCI I.oS AnrGEllS, CAL'' TELEPHONE, VArdltc ,l5r{i Elt.rrd rr S.cond-clu. uttor SGDtobcr 25, 1t02, rt thc Poetofflo rt lo zlalclcr, Crllforanr, uldcr Act ol Mrrch !, lO9.
Subrcription Pricc, 92.110 pcr Ycer Singlc Copicr, 25 ccntr cech. LOS ANCELES, CAL., OCTOBER I, 1925
How Lumber Looks
A great decreare in the arnorurt of stockr on hand at tte docki at San Pedro har helped the Southern Cdifornia lumber market, conriderably. It her been raid that there ir leac lumber piled now than trhere har been for two yean end that a large po,rtion of the ctoc,k on hand ir mixcd, cmall lotl. Tliere ir very little dimenrion.
In the pert two weekr commonr bave well beld their own, and the dernand har been fair. Thir condition existr in f:he Bay Dirtric ar well ar in Southqn California. Burinerc thir month har been particularly good in the San Diego Diitrict, Fresno dederr report a better outlook from their preeent low volume of businas, and around Secramento the dealen report a fair volume.
The main thins b, the dealerc are buying normally and are not holding ofi in buying needed rtocks waiting for gnq thittg or another, ar they were doing in the early sumrner.
Shingler have rtrengttenred very encouragingly in the part thirty dayr, and orderr are being placed for a much lrrger percentage of higher gradec, as rtated in an editorid else where in thio iuue.
Shipmente at the Southern California port, for the month,
Paul Bunyan Shows Up At Sacramento Statefair
Southcn Oficc 2nd Nrdond BuL Bldt.
Northrcrtcrn Oficc !!l Norihwotcrn Bk. Bldr. Pctlu4 Oraloa
Advcrtirin3 Retor on Applicrtiol wiII total clooe to one htudred and twenty-five rnillion feet. Lart September the totd war but92 nillion. To Awurt 3lrb tbir year, the port of San Pedro unloaded one billion and nineteen million feet of Fir and Redwood
The btrildins pcrnritr in Loo Angeler will. tolal iult about teo nillion dollarr for September. Ther* ir a lrger pcrcentage of thir ncw work that cellc for lumber thatr for the three'monttr prior.
The member millr of the Wert Coart Lunrbennentl Agociation r'eport a week'r cut of 1O2 millio ,.and calea ,rf 109 rdllion. New business 7 perccnt above produo.tion.. They have unfiIl€d order{ for 4r2OO can.
A Portland authofity remarked last week: l
"There are so many factors to be given consideration at " precent fihat it L difficult to arrive at any conclurion ar to what tte immediate future holds.
"Buildi.g permitr all over the United Statee are far aberd of what they were last year. With average opcn wcather tfie next eight weekr should ree ar much conctnrction work done ar there har been at any otter eimilar p€riod eince the war.
Bellingiiam Mill Burns
$300,000 Damage Done By Fire in E. K. Wood Lumbe'r Plant
Bellingham, 'Wash., Sept.22.-Fire of undetermined orig- in destroyed the cargo plant and planing mill of the E. K. Wood Lumber company here this afternoon with a loss estimated at more than $30o,000.
Firemen were fighting tonight to save the dry kilns, sheds, machine shop and lumber yard.
Lumber Shipments
was Up find
Among the many lumbermen who attended the Horse Show at the Sacramento State Fair on Thursday evening, September 10, was none other than that famous lumber character, Paul Bunyan and his Blue Ox. During the speech-making, he was called oh for a few remarks and to the amusement of the large, audience told how they dug out Lake Superior during the winter of the deep snow. Several Bay District lumbermen who attended the Fair stated that Paul's appearance was authentic and that he there with his long moustache, blue ox, n'everything. to the time of going to press, we have been unable to out who r,vas impersonating Paul Bunyan at the Fair.
A total of 2,251,041,772 Ieet of lumber was moved by water fromthe northwest during the first half. of. 1925, which is 11,000,00O feet less than for the same period of 1924. Eight hundred million is credited to California, 735 million to the Atlantic coast, 661 million went foreignJapan taking 376 million, Australia 88 million and Great Britain and the continent 91 million feet.
The fire started in the planing mill, and with explosionlike suddenness spread to all parts of the main mill.
The Eagle Lumber Company, Westimber, Oregon, has just installed three Gerlinger Lumber Carriers. These popular carriers are made at the plant of the Dallas Machine & Locomotive Works, Dallas, Oregon.
E. E. Young, Pacific Manufacturing Co., Santa Clara, is enjoying his vacation at Carmel where he is trying his luck at fishing. Mr. Young has charge of the Pacific Manufacturing Co. retail yard at Santa Clara.