1 minute read
The Facts Are Good Enough Tell Them
By SYLVESTER WFAYFR, President Weaver Roofing Co., Los Angeles.
.A roofing manrrfacturer usually sees prosl)erity in terms of new roofs-a clothing dealer 6as the^perspective of nerv suits artd overcoats to "be sold. and the railioad executive measures tons of freight and numbers of passengers as his barometer. So rve see all lines of business forecasting the future and building up hopes for continued prosperity in terms of their own business, 'r,vith the possible-exception of the undertakers and the hospitals.
If every reader of this magazine and of every other trade paper, general newspaper and general magazine found time in the course of the day's allotted time to read what every man who spoke with authority had to say about the business outlook in California, he could, by a process of elimination and sifting, gain a verv good perspective of the. state. Unfortunately, we are living in a time when there are so many counter attractions that the average man finds little time for such reading.
Then too the remarkable development of Southern California during the past few years-the way that it has outstripped every other community in the country has unfor- tunately developed jealousy and in some sections even hatred for anything that savors of even favorable comment for this community.
The reaction has been to hurt California in many respects. Unfavorable and even untruthful facts have been given prominence in the press throughout the East. Many people have been led to believe, through falsehood, that conditions in California were in a terrible state of affairs.
I for one do not belong to that school that sits back and lets the other fellow knock until the hammer wears out. Some one once said that a knock is a boost. So it is, but it's a boost in a wrong direction and if untruthful statements are being circulated about our state it is the duty of every self-respecting business man, or anyone eltse n'ho gains his or her living from what California has to offer, to see to it by organized effort that lies are nailed and nailed quick, and that the true story is told.
N{y personal feeling is that I would no more permit
(Continued on Page 14)