1 minute read
Edtum ](oLoRED I
Hand - dipped Se paratefy and Individualfy
"The s0-Year Roof"
The natural British Columbia Red Cedar shingles are taken direct from our dry-kilns to the staining vats while they are still warm and the pores of the wood open and receptive to color. Each shingle is hand-dipp.d SEPARATELY and INDIVIDUALLY (not in bundles). To ensure colors that will last from eight to ten years we use only the strongest color pigments, ground in OUR MILI-S to the finest possible condition in pure linseed oil and then suspended in a vehicle of highly refined creorsote preservatives and "binder." The result is colors that are rich and soft in tone, that will not rub, check or PEEL OFF.
Real Selling Helps
Nation-wide magazine advertiringeffective direct-by-maitEXPERT PERSONAL SERVICEall directed at YOUR locd home-builders, architects and contractors. Let us tell you and SHOW you.
We have NOW ample stocks of EDHAM KOLORED SHINGLES at convenient distributing points in California. You don't have to tie up a lot of money in big stocks-order them by the job, as you need them. 100/o Co-operction.