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their factories-stopped operation because ,of any adverse publicity? Not one single case is on record. Men who know, know the facts. It is your duty just as much as mine to see to it that everyone knows the facts. With the last few months of this year crowding upon us-with business good and getting better it is your duty just as !t is everyone else's duty, to lend a shoulder to the wheelnot just to boost but to dig in and help.
In writing this article I could have at the outset quoted you reams of facts and figures about the roofing business for example, about my business if necessary to prove that so rnany-thousand new roofs every year meant so much more industry, homes or population and then I could have cited the great use of lumber as another-barometer, or brick or steel, o-r what have you, but those figures are just as available 7f,yoa as they ire to me, chances are you already know them, and figures at best, no matter how interesting make tiresome reading.

Likewise, you should know allof the reasons why California brings iny'ustry into its fold-climate, labor efficiency, fuel and power, freight rates, etc., but are you doing vour part to help put the crimp in the falsifier. You owe it to yourself-to the business that is making you successful to help.
A good bank with strong backing won't fail. A good community with strong backing won't fail. But it will go ahead a lot faster if the "strong backing," gets out and sells its wares.
Announces Committees
C. W. Pinkerton, President of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, has announced some of the Committees in charge of the arrangements for the coming Annual, to be held at Fresno on October 30 and 31.
J. G.Martin of the Fresno Lumber Company is General Chairman on Arrangements, F. Dean Pres cott of the Valley Lumber Company is the Program Committee and Chas. G. Bird, Stockton Lumber Company, is Pirblicity Committee.
A great amount of interest is bei4g manifested in this year's Annual, and it has been predicted that there will be a large attendance.
President Pinkerton and Secretary Fraser are working hard on the program, and this year they will establish a new custom of having their programs printed and distributed to the delegates at the start of the meeting.
Didesch Announces Next Millwork Meeting
H. T. Didesch, Managing Director of the Millwork Institute of California, in a letter to all the members, dated September lTth; announces that the next meeting of the Institute, the Second Annual, will be held in Oakland on Thursday and Friday, November 19 and 20.
There will undoubtedly be a record attendance at this Quarterly, there being the added attraction of the annual football classic, California vs. Stanford, and the meeting being the annual election of officers and directors of the Institute.
Mr. Didesch warns the members of the necessitv of their procuring their own tickets this year to the football game, saying that the demand would be so heavy that it would be impossible for his office to look after this matter.