3 minute read
The Evolution of Veneer:
The right veneer for the purpos+that has good figure, well rnanufactured, properly dried, and fat, is the basis of all of your new business.
The results of your manufacturing methods, and your prices determines whether or not you hold that' business. But the figure and the texture of the Face Veneer is what lour customer sees.
If you use anything less than good veneers, of what use is your distinctive designs, careful 6nishing, protective crating, your advertising, your sales effort, your striving for good will? All of them are rendered useleEs.
"There are no better Veneers" is Louisville's slogan, and that you might be convinced, a large etock of these Veneers, and that Good To The Core Plywood is carried in Los Angeles for your inspection.
We manufacture in aII cabinet wooils.
Are you reaily to loofr)
(Continued from Page 12) zona pine is getting a big share of that business.
But while the Pine mills split their inch and a half boards and make two one-inch boards, the Redwood people have a trick of the opposite kind. They sell their clear finish for about $85 a thousand. They rip that finish into two pieces of beveled siding, and they sell that siding for about $30 a thousand, thus getting about $20 a thousand less for the stock after going to the trouble of ripping and handling it.
I never heard of a case like it before, still I don't see any way out of it. What stock they can sell for finish they easily get the price named, meeting competition; but their main item is the siding, and they cannot meet their competition and get any more for their siding than they do.
The possibility of an enlarged market for finish by active efforts, at a price between the present finish and siding price, would seem to be the best offhand suggestion. Their present trouble is too much competition on siding, and not enough demand on finish.
Redwood trees grow higher than any other commercial trees, yet. they are cut into logs shorter than any other species. Few Redwood logs are cut more than 16 feet. While the Pines are frequently cutinto very long lengths. Of course, the uses of tho wood causes this, but it seems peculiar anyway.
The western woods are full of Southern lumbermen and capitalists this summer, looking over timber investments. Many of them, as we all know, have already made great investments out here.
The biggest blow the Southern mill man gets out here, is the logging cost. The other day I had a long talk with a former Louisiana manufacturer out here, after he had looked at several mills. He talked of the high investments in California in the manufacturing properties themselves, and of the logging costs.
"Think of it," he remarked. "My average logging cost in Long Leaf Southern Pine for ten years was about $1.75 a thousand from stump to log pond. That doesn't start you out here. And in the South our timber investment was general several times our manufacturing investment. I have seen mills out here that had five million dollars invested in milling and railroad properties, and only owned two or three million dollars worth of timber."
It's really a new game, entirely.
D. A. Williamson, Midvalley Lumber Co., Galt, was a recent San Francisco visitor, attending to business matters. He states that business conditions in his locality are good and that there is a good demand for lumber.Ife was present at the Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9 luncheon on September 10. Mr. Williamson takes a keen interest in Hoo-Hoo affairs, and is the oldest Hoo-Hoo member in the state, his number being 210.
Pat Sublett is now associated with the Union Lumber Co. in their San Francisco office. For the past two years, he made his headquarters at Hilt, where he was connected with California White and Sugar Pine milling operations. Pat is active in Hoo-Hoo affairs, plays a good game of baseball, and prior to his coming rvest followed the wholesale lumber business in the Southwest.
A Complete Stoch From Which To Choose
In our new modern Yards You will find hardwoods and veneers in great variety to meet practically every re' quirement.

Make us a visit-go through our yards and see for yourself the quality and magnitude of our stock. You will 6nd it an economy to buY NB QualitY hardwoods and veneers.
Let us quote on Your next require' ments. Just phone THornwall | | 9 7'
Office and Yards
6420 South Park Avenue Los Angeles, Calif. Phone THornwall 1197