3 minute read
Bird Boosts Better Shingles
There are a goodly number of California lumber merchants today who are trying to put better lvooden shingles on the homes of their towns people, the result being that far more wooden shingles of quality are being marketed in the state than ever before, promising some day to take arvay from California the long held title of "poorest shingle state in the Union." For that is rvhat she l-ras been, and still IS.
And among the merchants rvho are cloing tl.re most active, direct and successful work for better rvooden shingle roofs, Charlie Bird, i\fanager of the Stockton Lumber Companl. at Stockton, probably takes the lead. This young Bird person, whose mental and physical virility is rvell knolvn to many California clealers, has gone "hog .ivild" on the subject of better shingle roofs.
He found out through his earlier efforts to seil sornething vinced that there is good rvork to be done, and necessary things to be accomplished, and needed service to be given his 1>eople; and he has found out that it PAYS to furnish those things. Good and needed service ALWAYS pays.
You rvill find rvith tl-ris article a picture of a display of lretter shingles he makes at his yard. These are all STAiNED shingles. They are divided into three roof sections. The first, Perfects, rvhich are 16-inch shingles, all clear, all heart, all edgegrain, 5 to 2 in tl-rickness, and are laicl 5 inches to the lveather. The second, Royals, 24 inches long, half an inch thick, laicl 10 inches to the rveather. The tlrird, Perfections, 18 inches long, 5 to 2r/a thick, laid 5/z inches to the rveather. A11 these shingles are all clear, all heart, all vertical grain. Tl-rey call them in Texas, "three hrrndred per cent shingles," one hundred perfect clear, heart ancl edgegrain.
Stained Shingle Displaybesides the famous-or is it notorious ?-Star A Stars, that there IS a need and a WANT and a MARKET for better shingle roofs. All it needs is someone to alvaken the thought of the NEED, and create the NIARKET by intelligently shor'ving the prospective users what better shingles are like, what they cost, whv they are more valuable, etc.
And now he has gone out into the highrvays and by-ways of his home torvn and district, and has become a better roof specialist, displaying and promoting and selling BtrTTER ROOFS. And, like others we have seen, the more he tries it, the l>etter he likes it, because he becomes the more con-
Charlie has been pushing and selling these stained shingles. He is likewise promoting ancl selling these grades in the rrnstained shingle.
So much interest has been aroused by Charlie's campaign for better shingle roofs, that he has hacl many requests for full information concerning better roofs. He has therefore furnished the architects and contractors of his selling district rvith samples of all these better shingles, together with prices per square, manner of laying, etc.
In his office he has displays of all the shingles he carries, both stained and unstained, so that every person that enters the place gets an eye full of good shingles, whether he is looking for that or not. He gets it anyway.
Another Interesting DisPlay.
He is full of enthusiasm over his shingle campaign. He rvrites the "California Lumber lVIerchant": We have done nothing compared with what we are planning to do," the builders of Stockton are evidently going to learn much about good wooden shingles.

He is a g'enerous and excellent advertiser, and runs very live and attractive copy. One of his chiefest ads concerning shingles is that if the user will buy good shingles and tuse the kind of nails they recommend to go with them, he will guarantee their roof to last fifty years. "SEE US ABOUT THE LIFETIN{E ROOF" is one of their shingle slogans.
Charlie is a Rotarian at Stockton, and not long since some Chas.
Bird fire prevention man got before that club and attacked wooden roofs. Charlie challenged the statements of the speaker, and "made a liar out of him," as one of the Rotarians put it. They now call Charlie "Shingles" in the Stockton Rotary Club.
Writing concerning his better shingle campaign, Charlie Bird states that he has been urged and assisted in his work by just two men, Gus Russell and Rod Hendrickson of San Francisco, both of whom have given their loyal assistance and support.
So it is being proven in Stockton, just as it has been proven everywhere, it has been fairly tried, that builders ARE interested in better shingle roofs, and that the reason
California sells so huge a percentage of thin,low grade shingles, is because the men who sell the shingles have never taught them otherwise.
Why can't we have a campaign in every town in California like the one Charlie Bird is putting on in Stockton ? It would be a fine thing for the home builders of California, and reflect credit on the lumber industry for fathering better building.
Appoints General Sales Agent
Mr. E. B.Hazen has been appointed General Sales Agent, Lumber Dept., for the Central Coal & Coke Company, with offices at Kansas City.
New Sales Helps For Oak Floorittg
One of the most attractively illustrated booklets on oakfooring is now ready for dietribution among prospective home-builders.
It tells the whole story of Perfection Brand Oak Flooring. ' You will 6nd it of immense help in making sales.
We also have some very successful envelope stuffers for general distribution that we are supplying free.
'Write today for theseselling helps and full information about Perfection Brand Oak Flooring'
Arkansas Oak Flooring Co.