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L. H. Ives & Company Merged With Skinner & Eddy Corporation
I The Skinner & Eddy Corporation, a tremendous lumber rand shipbuilding operation with headquarters at Seattle, 'has an interesting announcement advertisement in this issue, of the merger, on October first, ofL.H. Ives & Company, Seattle, with their company.
L. H. Ives & Company is a very well known institution in California. Larry Ives is probably one of the best k4own ,lumbermen in the Northwest, and through his frequent trips to this state, and with his offices in Los Angeles, they have gained a large acquaintance up and down the state, ' and many friends.
Final arrangements for the merger were completed about the middle of September, and it has been announced that Mr. Ives will remain with the company, in charge of the California Lumber Department, with offices at Seattle, and the Southern California offices will be retained, under the new name, and in charge of Mr. Paul W. Masters, who has been Larry Ives' manager there for some time.
The Skinner & Eddy Corporation owns the Port Blakeley Mill Company, the Skinner & Eddy Logging Company and other timber interests. They have always been a large factor in the Atlantic Coast market, and during the World 'War won distinction as being the largest shipbuilders on the Pacific Coast.
In addition to their own supply, they will have lumber to offer from the former connections of L. H. Ives & Company, and will have, on regular run to California, the steamers Viking and Mukilteo, in addition to two other boats.
Mr. Masters announces that their Los Angeles offices will probably be moved to larger quarters within sixty days.
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c) \7ill notcheck or split. Less L liable to warp. Put together frltt straigh.t grained oak d'owels and water-proo( heat resisting glue. ry Cost less to fit, mortise and O hang because California tVhit" P-ine cuts easilY and smoothlywith or across the grain. n Panels of Winch 3'PlY lam4 inated rotary-cut California Yihit. Pine veneer. HighlY sanded and finished so that fewer coats of paint or enamel are necessary togive the desired results.