3 minute read
By lack Dionne
Age not guaranteed-Some I have told for 2o years-Some less.
Well-Why Not?
It was in the mountains of old Tennessee.
ft was what is there called a "political speakin'."
The folks had gathered from the entire countryside in their wagons, their buggies and their fliwers, to hear the political questions of the campaign discussed.
The speakin' place was a green sward in an oak grove, and the speakers' platform was a wagon bed beneath a great oak.
A candidate for public office had been introduced, an.d he stuck his right hand in the front of his long black coat where it was buttoned, and began:
"Ladies and gentlemen of the grand old state of Tennessee, I come before you today to discuss the sovereign principles of that great type of Jeffersonlan Democracy fer which the South shed its blood. an' which are now bein'
Suffers Fire Loss
The Tweedy Lumber Company, Trveedy Boulevard, Los Angeles, suffered a $50,000 fire loss on the 23rd of September.
outrageously attacked by them dern Republicans. I feel it to be my duty-"
Just then an old man rose in the crowd and shouted: "Ffow do you stand on the tariff questio4?"
"What's that?" asked the speaker, as though he did not hear.
"I say, tell us how you stand on the tariff question," repeated the questioner.
"Well," said the speaker, nervously, hemming and hawing for a minute, "I didn't come here today to discuss that subject as I don't consider it of vital importance like I do Jeffersonian Democracy, but if you must know, I'M IN FAVOR OF PAYIN' HER OFF AN' LETTIN' HER GO."
Bettingen Sells Yard
The Geib Lumber Company has bought the San Gabriel yard of the Bettingen Lnmber Company.
The t'Trade Mark"-our new line of non-infammable lumber treated under the Somoza patents.
Also "Somozided" Shingles-with all the popular shades of stainin fireproof liquids. Think what THAT meanE-
Paint Factory
is now in operation, here in Los Angeles, and we can supply full Iines of FIREPROOF PA'INTS-the application of which creates a fire retardent surface on tfie wood covered.
Not one of the win. dow ftames in the Old Sawver house ehowed a defect. We have sections of these frameg on hand which we will ohow you upon request.
Vrite for latest information on Andersen Standard Frames, stating whether you are an architect, builder, dealer or prospective home ownet.
Look for thts trad:. mark-it aDDears on cvery Anderiin Frame,
J. H. Kruse, pioneer. lumberman of San Francisco, and Capt. Charles Goff of the Southern Police District, were the speakers at the luncheon of Hoo-Hoo Club No. t held at the Palace Hotel on Thursday, September 24. Mr. Kruse, who has been in the lumber business in San Francisco since 1879, gave a short resume of his early experiences in the lumber busihess" Capt. Goff, until recently Prohibitioi Chief in charge of the Northern California and Nevada Districts, but now back again at his desk as Captain in thg Southern Police District of San Francisco, gave an intere$ting talk on co-operation betweeh the public and the pdlice department and law enforcement.
The attdndance prize, donated by Frederic Palmer, was won by Dr. James Gordon, pastor of the First Congregational Church of San Francisco, who was also a guest of the day. Dr. Gordon was called on for a few remarks and piid ,a very pleasant compliment to Capt. Goff for the wonderful work that he is doing with the Police Department
Rod Hendrickson, the newly elected Junior Hoo Hoo on the Suprepre Nine, Fred Roth, the newly appointed Viceregent Snark of the BayDistrict, and Kenneth Smith, vice-presideht of Hoo Hoo Club No. 9 made short talks.
President John McCabe presided over the meeting. R.
A. Hiscox will act as Chairman of the Day on October 23, and, J. F. Higgins, Jr., will have charge of the meeting on October 23.
Jack Ferger, Swastika Lumber Co., Fresno, was a recent San Francisco visitor, where he spent a few days calling on the lumber trade and looking over conditions in the Bay Disftict. He states that conditions in the San Joaquin Valley continue to show improvement, that crops this year have been good and have been carrying good market prices. He says that the acreage planted to cotton in the San ]oaquin Valley this year was far ahead of. 1924, and that during 1926 even mbre.land would be planted to this prod- uct. I'
1e2s sHowg F,3"?1""1T3t9." rN BUTLDTNG
'Signs that the United States is experiencing its greatest e:rp4nsion thro'ugh building eperations are given in reports of construction activity throughout the country to the commeice departmeht. Contracts now awarded indicate the 1925 record will exceed by more than a billion dollars the $5,000,0ffi,7$ building of the year, L924.
I'll tell you why HDE buysthis space every month. It is not for the purpoee of helping Jack Dionne, but to let the lumbermen of the West Coast know that HDE is the logical place to buy the right kind of Southern Hardwoods.
Here are just a few reasons:-
HDE is on the western border of the hardwood producing area, which means favorable freight iates.
HDE operates three mills and always has an adequate stock from which to ship your order.
HDE has facilities for kiln-drying any amount of any variety of hardwood.
HDE ships under rigid inspectionrules and guarantees every board.
HDE can serve you for many years to come.