10 minute read
JheDeabnnnsub but nobody ellse !'
For ordinary construction, use Pioneer Duplex Building Papercoated on one side with asphalt. Saves dollars in protecting hardwood floors, stairways, tile, granite and marble, while building. Pioneer
Efecause it givesthorough protection wherever the best waterproof sheathing is required, Pioneer H. & H. Black Glazed Building Paper is a worth whileitem for every dealer to push.
You are the only one who "mops up" when Pioneer H. & H. Black Glazed Building Paper is used. Profits for you in every sale and dry-safe insurance for your customer.
'Waterproof means more than moist-proof or damp-proof. It means real protection. The Pioneer trade-mark insures that. Used for walls, under hardwood floors, to line packing and shipping cases, to cover machinery and other metal surfaces exposed to the weather.
K-P Timber Company Purchase Large Timber Holdings
Complete transfer has been made of the Kerry Lumber Co. holdings at Kerry, Oregon, and the Columbia and Nehalem River Railroad, a subsidiary company, to the K-P Timber company, a newly incorporated firm, in which half the stock is owned by the Peninsula Lumber Co. of Portland, Oregon, and half by the Knappton Mills company, of Knappton, Wash. The consideration was approximately $3,000,000.00.
P. J. Brix, is the president of the newly incorporated K-P Timber Co.,; F. C. Knapp, Peninsula Lumber Co., vice-president, and Robert Shalv, secretary. Mr. Sharv has been manager of the Kerry Timber Co., and will continue in the same capacity for the K-P. Timber company. The five directors will include the three officers and Herbert S. Brix and Addison P. Knapp. Headquarters of the company will be at Portland.
The Peninsula Lumber Co. maintain offices in San Francisco, while the Trower Lumber Company have represented the Knappton Mills company in California for the past fifteen years.
Frank Curran On Extendpd Trip
Mr. Frank Curran, General Manager for the E. K. Wood Lumber Company, in Southern California, left Los Angeles on the 22nd, for an extended trip to the east.

Mr. Curran will be away for about ten weeks, or until the full return of his health which has been failing for some time.
Herb Fooled Them
H. J. Anderson
The majority of folks get a big kick out of surprise acts in vaudeville, and one of these lvas pulled off on the evening of the Osirian Cloister dinner and dance at the HooIfoo Annual which had most of the men and a few of the ladies fooled for a while.
This was a vocal number entitled "On Top of the Fence", by Madame Felina Catcuss of Catawba, Russia.
Introcluced by the chairman, C. D. Lel\Iaster, the stunningly gorvned Russian Opera star sang "IJntil" in a fine soprano. The singer then voluntarily gave the s,how away by responding to the encore in his natural voice, and the word quickly rvent around thatthe female impersonator rvas the well knorvn Portland lumberman, Herbert J. A"derson. I{is second encore number was a difficult soprano operatic number which brought great applause, and the remark from an Eastern visitor that, "This boy can take Julian Eltinge's place any time he gets tired of the lumber business."
Coor Bay Lumbcr Co. Ell6 Central Blde. .TRinity 16lt
Dolbecr & Carron Lumber Co.
Pacific Mutual Bldg. . .TUckcr 7654
Fletchcr & Franber lnc.
Menh-Strong Bldg. .MEtro. 3332
Forgie, Robt.
Central Bldg. .VAndike E229
Fruit Growerr' Supply Co. 7ll Conrolidatcd Bldg. ....TRinity {oU
Gcrmain Lumbcr Co. 6fX Tranrportation Bldg. .....BRoadway Zl27
Golding Lbn Co' Frcd
Central Bldg. . ... ....TUcLcr El4l
Hanrnoad Lbr. Co.
So. Alameda St. ... ........HUrnbolt 1591
Hanify Coo J. R. 522 Central Bldg. ..MEtro. lX53
Hart-Wood Lunbcr Co. ll23 Pac. Mutual Bldg. . .MBtro. Z2l7
HoFman Co., Earl
Marsh Strong Blds. ...TRinity 9667
Holmcr Eurcke Lbr. Co.
Van Nuyr Bldg. ....VAndikc 1752
Hoopcr, S. Cr-Lumber Co,
Central Bldg. .. .....MEtro. 0lEil
Hoovcr, A. L.
7116 Standard Oil Bldg 'VAndiLe t5iil2
C. D. Johnron Lumber Co.
9ll4 A. G. Bartlctt Bldg. ..VAndikc 5573 llXt0 Bartlett Bldg. . ..MAin {?el
Little Rivcr Redwood Co.
Long-Bcll Lumbar Co. Chambcr of Commerce Bldg. ....MEtro. 5645
MacDonald & Harrington
710 Central Bldg. .
Lbr. Co.
5E5 Chambcr of Commcrce Bldg..... ... ..TRinity 0796
Ncttlcton Lbr. Co.
729 BanL ltEly Blds. ......TRinity 79gl
Orcgon Lbr. Agcncy
915 E. 62nd St. ........AXridgc 137{
Pacific Lumber Co.
TlfG Standard Oil BIds. ...VAndiLc t532
Rcd Rivcr Lunbcr Co.
702 E. Slauron .MEtro. 1085
Redwood Manufacturcrr Co.
316 E. 3rd St. .VAndikc lE72
Saata Fe Lumber Co.
397 Pac. Electric Bldg. .. .TUcker 5779
Skinncr & Eddy Corp-
7ll Van Nuyr Bldg. .TRinity 7591
Slede Lunber Co.
E2E Van Nuyr Bldg.
A Handy Directory For

Smith, A. W., Luraber Co.
327 Bsrtlctt Bldg. . ......MAin 3176
Sudden & Chrirtcaron
9ll0 Bartlett Bldg. ..MAin $l9ll
Tacome Planing Mill
915 E. 62nd St. ... .......Axridgc l37l
Twohy Lurnber Co.
221 Kcrckhofr Bldg. .. ..BRoedway 0Cl3
Union Lurnbcr Co.
Lanc Mortgagc Bldg. ....TRinity 2282
Warhington Lumbcr & Millwork Co.
{Ell4 Everctt Plecc ...DEl,rwarc 9630
Wendling-Nathan Co.
7116 Standard Oil Bldg. ..VAndike 85i12
W. W. Wilkinson l2l4 Inrurance E:changc Bldg TUckcr ltlill lltilliamr & Coopcr
Pacific-Southwcrt Bank Bldg. . ...TUcker 59lt
Wood, E. K,'Lumber Co.
4701 Santa Fc Avc. .... ...Axdftc 9lbl HARDWOODS l90tt E. lsth SL ......'....HUnbolt l3{7
Armcricen Hardwood Co.
Brown, Rollinr A.
6lX6 Carlor Ave. ..GRanitc 30li2
Cadwallader Gibron Co, lnc.
Elg E. 59th st. .... ...AXridgc 2l0l
Cooper, W. E, Lunbcr Co.
2035 E. lsth St. ....HUnbolt 1335
Grippcr, Jeroruc C.
756 So. Sprins St. .TRinity lll05
Hannond Lumber Co.
2010 So. Alameda St. . .....HUmbolt l59l
Kellogg Lumber Co. of Cal.
523 Csntral Bldg. ....VAndike E229
Kolambrigan Lbr. & Dev. Co.
910 Central Blds. .TUckcr g126
National Hardwood Co.
Gl4 Aliro St. .....MAin lgiX d{20 So. Park Ave. ... .THornwill 1197
NicLey Bror. Inc.
Stanton, E. J, & Son
3Eth and Alamcda Str. . ..AXridgc gZtl
Wcrtern Hardwood Lumbcr Co.
2014 E. lsth St. ..WEatnore 616l
Weie, Gcorgc F., & Co.
Producc Bldg. BRoadway 2l3E
Sfilron, \f,fn. M., Lunber Co.
2057 E. lsth St. .....TUckcr 8641
Woodhead Lumber Company
57211 So. Main St .AXridge 572 SASH AND DOORS
American Door Co.
43ZZ Moncta Avc. ....HUnbolt 0817
Bcmir & Cowrn
5{f59 So. Hoovcr .....UNivcrritt 2I5t
Glarby & Co.
2120 E. 25th St. .HUnbolt llE57
Hannond Lunber Co.
2lll0 So. Alamcda St. .......HUmbolt 1591 f600 E. Warhington ..HUnbolt 5908
Hattcn, T. B, Co.
Kochl, Jno. W, & Son
652 So. Andcrron ..ANgelut t67l
Koll, H. Wo & Co.
432 Colyton .......MEtrc. O165
Lillrrd, Mark l\f.
6193 Stanford Avc. ., ...THomwall
The Test of a Man
The place to take the true measure of a man is not the forum or the field, not the market-place or the Amen corner, but at his own fireside. There he lays aside his mask and you may judge whether he's imp or angel, king or cur, hero or humbug. I care not what the world says of him; whether it crown him with bay, or pelt him with bad eggs; I care never a copper what his reputation or religion may be; if his babes dread his home-coming and his better half has to swallow her heart every time she has to ask him for a five dollar bill, he's a fraud of the first water, even though he prays night and morn till he's black in the face, and howls hallelujah till he shakes the eternal hills. But if his children rush to the front gate to greet him, and love's own sunshine illumines the face of his wife when she hears his footfall, you may take it for granted that he's true gold, for his home's a Heaven, and the humbug never gets that noar the great white throne of God. I can forgive much in that fellow mortal who would rather make men swear than women weep; who would rather have the hate of the whole he-world than the contempt of his wife; who would rather call anger to the eyes of a King than fear to the face of a child.-William
Cowper Brann.
The Dividing Lines
At a colored country dance in Arkansas, when the fiddlers had taken their places and resined their bows, the manager rose.
"Git yo' partners fo' a cotillion," he shouted. "All yo' ladies an' gemmen wid shoes an' stockin's take yo' place in de middle ob de flo'. All yo'ladies an gemmen wid shoes an' no stockin's, take yo' places immejitly behin' dem.. An' all yo' barefoot niggahs yo' jes' jig it roun' in de corners."
Just A Little Comma
What a wonderful different a misplaced comma makes. In a recent religious controversy, a man wrote to his local newspaper as follows: "We do not care to enter into any religious controversy. Our works speak for themselves. We are healing the sick, and sinning in wonderful ways." The comma should have been after "sinning" but it wasn't.
And Nobody Else A-Tall
"Rastus, who is dat solvent lookin' gen'man speculatin' up an' down de aisles wid dem gold rimmed obstacles?"
"Don' yuh organize him?"
"No,Ah don' organize him. Ah's nevah been induced to hirn-"
"I'se franchised yuh don' organize him. He's de mos' confiscated man in dis whole diaphragm. Dat's de ngw pastute of our chu'ch."
When a man ain't got a cent, An' he's feeling kind of blue, An' the clouds hang dark and heavy, An' won't let the sunshine through, fts a great thing, O my brethren, For a feller just to lay, His hand upon your shoulder
In a friendly sort of way.
It makes a man feel queerish; It makes the tear-drops start; An' you sort o' feel a flutter
In the region of your heart.
You can't look up and meet his eyes; You don't know what to say;
Wherr his hand is on your shoulder
In a friendly sort of way.
O, the world's a curious compound, With its honey and its gall, With its care and bitter crosses, But a good world after all. And a good God must have made it, Leastwise that is what I say, When a hand is on your shoulder
In a friendly sort of way.
-James Whitcomb Riley.
More Storm When She Gets Home
Wife-"I want to go down town and get a new hat, some frocks and a pair of slippers. What is the weather forecast ?"
Hubby-"Rain, hail, sleet, snow, frost and thunderstorms."
Heard In Bakersfield
"Dad, here comes a gang of girls up the road dressed in funny pants."
"What ! Knickers?"
"No, P2-1hey're white folks."
Ball: "So you've cured your wife of the antique craze. How did you do it?"

Crank: "It was easy. I gave her a 1908 model automobile for her birthday."
Never strike a man when he's down I you can't tell how big he'll be when he gets up.
A bouncing, a jouncing, A leak and a lack.
A bumping, a jumping, A knock in the back. A creaking,.a cracking, A bolt and a jar.
A dashing, a smashing, A helluva car !
Please Examine the Reinforcements in the Miller
Swinging around turns with a centrifugal force bearing laterally against the wheels, bumping over rough boards in the yard, the Miller gives satisfaction where weakly constructed carriers fall down.
If you have an eye for mechanics, you can see in the reproduction how the arch principle is employed to keep the Iegs rigid and to avoid side spread between the wheels.
When the Miller picks up its load, it has it and it has it firmly. The operator's wholeattention can be focused on making time with his load and does not have to keep on"tenter-hooks" wondering whether or not his load is going to be dropped en route.
The Miller is constructed to do the work dependently and quickly. Write us for specifications and accurate description of the Millerthe original gas lumber carrier.
East Side Mill & Lumber Co., Distributors

Millwork Insignia Being Widely Used
In a recent bulletin from the Southern California offices of theMillwork Institute of California, samples of letter heads, estimate blanks, etc., from a number of well known companies were inclosed, showing the use of the Institute's attractive insignia. 't

H. T. Didesch, managing director, urg'es all members of the Institute to adopt the use of the insignia on all printed matter and, as he puts it, to "Join the Parade."
Edward P. Ivory, manager of the Trade Extension Department, California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association, San Francisco, is on a two weeks' trip to Syracuse, New York, rvhere he is attending the American Foundrymen's Convention. ,He will have charge of the Pine Association's exhibit at the Convention. He expects to return to San Francisco the early part of October.
Capt. Robert Dollar, president of the Dollar Steamship Co,, 82 years old and operator of the biggest fleet of American merchant craft, has returned to San 'Francisco after completing his sixth trip around the world:,1.:"I{e arrived at New York on the Dollar liner President Garfield, and after spending a few days in New York, he proceeded to San Francisco. Captain Qollar is one of the rnost.active executives in the steamship company, which he heads, and during his voyage around the globe, he interviewed 287 f.oreign merchants.
California Hoo-Hoo Delegation To , Spokane Returns
R. A. Hiscox and Frank Trower, Sah Francisco, Dave Woodhead, Los Angeles, and C. D..LeMaster, Sacramento, comprised the California delqg.ation to the Hoo-Hoo Annual at Spokane. The'y state that the Convention was a very successful affair and reports made at the Convention indicate that Hoo-Hoo is on a ver1r strong basis in all sections of the countrv.
Eighty-eight pieces of lignum vitae, weighing in the aggregate a half a ton, will be used for the bushings of the four stern tubes of the S-S Malolo which is now being built for the San Francisco-Honolulu run at Cramp's Shipyard, Philadelphia.
Bacon said: "I{e that hath wife and children hath given hosiqges, to fortune; for they are impediments to great en.terprise, either of virtue or mischief."
' More than tr95,000 trees were disfribgledi last year to farmers in the Kinkaid District ofr Nebraska from the Llnited'states Forest Service nursery at Halsey, Nebraska, according to a circular just issued by the United States Department of Agriqulture, "Tree Distribution Under the Kinkaid Act of l9II." This brings the total number of trees distributed since l9t2 above 1,800,000.
ACK of every truck tire sale here at Truck Tire Service is a definite responsibiiity on the part of every member of our entire organization.
It is that responsibility of Service, that makes the actual sale incidental, and of major importance the keeping of those tires on your truck wheels, rolling your load, with minimum interruption of your trucking time.
A standardized carrier throughout, embodying a wonderful direct loadlift; exceptionallyfast, simple andfool-proof, eliminating pressure tanks, cables, screws, gears, pinions and clutches.