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Retailers Victorious in Los Angeles Tournament
The Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club has sponsored a number of very successful social affairs, including some gol{ tournaments that were the envy of other districts, bul it was-left_ for, the September l8th affair to put all previous parties in the shade, for numbers in attendance and enthusiasm of action, by the participants.
Seventy-six mighty golfers appeared to tee off at noon at theWilshire Club. The handicapping and classification work was ably handled by the team captains, Gus Hoover and Frank Burnaby, assisted by the Golf Chairman, Frank Connellv.
One-half of the players were put on the Retail Team, opposing the remaining half, as the Wholesalers. As had been widely announced, the total gross score of each team would be compared to decide the *inners, and the low side would be entitled to a free dinner at the expense of the losers.
The Retailers came out on top with a combined score of 4220 for their thirty-eight players, and the Wholesale team turned in a tally of 4512, givins the other team a rvinning margin of 288 strokes.
Joe Chapman downed Frank Burnaby in their battle for permanent possession of the Stanton Cup, and Frank Harris of Lounsberry & Harris took the first win on the Tack Dionne Trophy, which must be won twice for final ow:ner- ship. Frank turned in a gross of. 82. This was not the l9w gross of the_day, Roy Stanton securing an 81, and Joe Chapman a 79, but these two were barred for ttre Dionne Cup, as they had each won previous capital prizes.
_ I" t_lT first flight Roy Stanton took low net with a 72, and Paul Hill came in second with a 74. Second flight, Charley Kellogg was low with a 69 and Harry Graham followed
(Continued on Page 48.)
(Continued from Page 47) with a 73. In the thirdflightJ. H. Mills came out best with a net of 70, followed by F. Crowell with a 73. These players were all awarded prizes of a dozen golf balls each.