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Fresno Hoo Hoo Close Year With Concatenation
The Fresno Hoo-Hoo District, under the direction of \ricergerent Snark Martin D. Johnson, wound up their Hoo-Hoo year on the night of September 14th, with a combined regular monthly meeting of their Hoo-Hoo Club. annual election of officers and a very successful Concatenation, at which twehty-one Kittens were shown the light of the Great Black Cat.
Dinner was served at Woodman Hall at six-thirty, to one hundred and twenty-five loyal San Joaquin Valley
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Cats. Bill' Essworthy of the Swastika Lumber Company ably acted as toastmaster, introducing a number of visitors and the array of entertainment that had bee'n provided by the committee. The Hoo-Hoo quartet came in for a great amount of praise. These boys rendered several numbers to perfection, and Bill announced that the quartet would broadcast the balance of the evening from the station at the Fresno Bee, through the courtesy of the Fresno Hoo-Hoo Club.
The slate presehted by the nominating Committee was unaniniously elected without change.
Frank l{inard, head of the C. S. Pierce Lumber Company, Fresno, secretary of the San Joaquin Valley Lum- bermen's Club and one of the most popular of the many fine fellows in the Valley, was chosen as president of the club. Frank accepted the election with a few remarks of appreciatioh.
For Vice-President, Earl Eyman of the Western Lumber Company, Reedley, was chosen. Earl is one of the younger generation in the valley, tremendously popular, and he will make a fine officer for the club.
Directors elected were: Jessie Joint, Kellner Lumber Company, Fresno; Owen Carter, Fresrto Lumber Companf; G. W. Kennedy, Mgultain Pine Sales Company, Fresno; W. P. Johnson, S. P. Lumber Company and Arthur Bernhauer, Fresno Planing Mill.
Brother L. L. Walker, office manager for the Valley