2 minute read
,Cowan Builds Big Built-fn Business
Several years ago H.V. Cowan opened a millwork plant in Los Angeles and began specializing in doors for china closets, which they call "CC" doors. He "cleaned up" on these doors for several yeais, and still manufactures them in large volume.
Now Mr. Cowan is following another trail, and one that looks decidedly practical and interesting. Through handling a line of "built-in" stuff for a time he became convinced that the surface of the possibilities in making and marketing built-ins for buildings had not even -been scratched, and that the possibilities would be great for a complete, economical, practical, and adaptabli line, ap- plicable to all sorts of conditions in all sorts of buildings.^
So he started cautiously making kitchen built-ins, and so splendid have been the results so far that he has already arranged to take a full plunge into the sea of built-iir making and merchandising, and within the next sixtv days will be out with what he believes to be the greateit line of its kind ever made, on the Pacific Coast aI least.
He found that this new line of business, which is already taxing his present plant and organization to capacity, req.uired many changes in his plant, so he is busy no# en- tirely revamping and re-arranging his plant for ihe special business of building his line oI Uuitt-ini. For his "ngir,.., in this work he has secured the services of one Jt ittea i1 t\at particular liner_IVIr. O. V. Pratt, formerly head of the firm of Pratt & 'Warfrer, and a very able arid ,kiltfrl man at the production of such equipmlnt. Mr. pratt is manager of the Cowan plant and-is-re-lining it through- out, installing much new equipment, and a-rranging ihe tactory tor ellicient making and handling of the matirials they will use, and the products they will turn out. When the plant work has been completed it is likely that Mr. Pratt will also assist in the marketing end of the business.
At the present time they have standardized and are manufacturing and prepared to manufacture, kitchen sink cabinets in 22 sizes and varieties, so that they can fit any size or condition of kitchen. All the oroducls at" .o "i- ranged that while they are standardized the units can be combined to fit any conditions.
They make kitchen cabinets in 12 sizes and kinds.
They make cooling cabinets for all uses.
Buttress cabinets in several sizes are one of their specialties.
Their medicine cabinets for bath rooms are made in l9 sizes and desigrrs
They make ironing boards in three sizes, all adjustable.
They make folding-in breakfast tables, and breakfast tables and ironing boards combined.
They also make to order at present, and plan as soon as they have the necessary experience to go on to standardize like their other products three other items, dressing room cabinets, broom closets, and linen closets.
Mr. Cowan believes that his present line of standardized built-ins are the most complete, practical, and adaptable line on the market, and when they have added the-three lines mentioned they will be prepaied to offer standardized built-ins surpassing "ry pr"liour efiort.
Mr. Cowan is enthusiastic over his line and its pros- pects, and is very ambitious to have the lumber dealer generally take an interest in built-ins for his own sake and
(Continued on Page 24)