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UrestOoast Pfywood Oo.
This up-to-the-minute Plywood m.rnufacturing plant is geared to produce 80 million feet per year. The last word in efficient, economical construction . . . the mostmodern ma' chinery and equipment.
We are ac'cepting orders now for prompt delivery.
Philiryine Mabogan! Pllutood nyft"rtner infotmation, utrite to tbc Vest Coast Ptlvood Companyt \.C
Selling only through recognized Ribbon Grain Mabogany Plyuood jobbers, we assure the trade square dealing, quality products and prompt sefvrce.
Also a full line of solid andveneer doors manufactured to our own specifications.
Abcrdccn, Vasbington or out sales represantatisc lisnd berantitb: \v
J. Walter Kelly Stuart C. Smith