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Help You Sell More Doors
Point No. 4 in WseeLER OscooD lo-/zoirt Doors
Smooth, Glea n lUlouldi ngs Around PanelsilO RAGGED EDGES -And Behind Them the L0-Point Sales PolicY
Over 25,000,000 Laninex and Woco Doors in service are prool of iheir dependability. Every Laminex or Woco- Door is a l0-Point b;; ;iii-iJ''i",ii t"uine features for vou. And thev are backed [v-*" fO-point Sales Po-licy, which- includes.advenrling to archi' lJ"tr-"nJ builders, and gives-you and your jobber-real assistance in ;;i;d-;;;J"or'sales.- Send todav Ior a copv oI the colorful wall hanger.
A Youthful Veteran
Not all veterans are old and grey. Take Al Kelley, fo,r instatrrce, Sales Manager for the Santa Fe Lumber Company, of San Francisco. On thesixth day of September he celebrated his twentyfourth anniversary of 'continuous service for that organization. It was The Portland Lumber Com' . pany, A. J. Russell, Agent, when he started. He was offi.ce boy at first. When it became the Santa Fe Lumber Company it made. no differen'ce to Kelley. He just kept climbing. One job after another in the organization, a year at the mill learning how lumber is made, then on the road selling lumber, and finally Sales Manager. He's just 38 years o1d now, one of the best lumbermen in California, and one of the best-liked young men by his customers and his competitors both. A veteran, in fact, with most of his useful life still stretching out ahead of him.
Miland Grant Heads East Bay Club
Miland R. Grant, of the Western Door & Sash Co., Oakland, was chosen as president of East Bay Hoo Hoo Club at the ,club's annual meeting held at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland, on September 14.
Ilenry M. Hink, of Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co., San Francis,co, was re-elected vice-president, and Carl R. Moore, Moore Mill & Lumber Co., San Francisco, was re-elected secretary-treasurer.
Carl, as a result of his re-election, starts his tenth vear of service to the club.
Dire'ctors re-elected were: Kenneth J. Shipp, Calitornia Builders' Supply Co., Oakland; Shirley C. Forsey, Eureka Mill & Lumber Co., Oakland; Jas B. Overcast, Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland; J. Ross Kinney, Zenith Mill & Lumber Co., Oakland. New director added to the board was Jack Ferri, Paramino Lumber Co., San Francis'co.
Card tricks and other intriguing sleight-of-hand stunts were performed by the notable Carl Zamloch'
C. I. Glbert presented the report of the nominating committee, which was unanimously adopted. "C. I." complimented the outgoing officers for their fine work during the year.
Retiring President Gordon Pierce thanked the ,:fticers, directors and members for their cooperation.
Mr. Pierce was presented with a handsome cameo ring in appreciation of his good work as president.
Dinner music was provided by the Maddern Trio. More than 5O members were present.
C.M. Ambrose, general manager of Pacific Fir Co., Seattle, was recently in San Francisco on a business trip. Stapleton Lumber Co. is Northern California representative.
tVill Represent H. P. Brady Lumber Co. in Southern California Territory
Wilkinson and Buoy is a new lumber firm recently formed by W.W. Wilkinson and W. H. Buoy with offices at 318 West Ninth Street, Los Angeles. They will represeut H. P. Brady Lumber Co., wholesale lurnber firmof Seattle and Portland, in the Southern California territory. H. P. Brady Lumber Co. is exclusive representative for Southern California for the following mills: Oregon American Corp., Vernonia, Ore; Dubois Lumber Co., Vancouver, Wash., and Gwyne Lumber Co., Kalama, Wash. C)regon American Corp. specializes in kiln dry old growth yellow fir dimension and clears; they operate 34 large dry hilns at their plant. Dubois Lumber Co. and Gwynne Lumber Co. specialize in California lumber specifications.
Mr. Wilkinson has been connected with the wholesale lumber, plywood and veneer business in Los Angeles since 1913. He represents the Oregon-Washington Plywood Co., Tacoma, Wash., and Texas Creosoting Company, Orange, Texas, in the Southern California territory.
Mr. Buoy has followed the lumber business in the Northwest since 1905, and made his headquarters in Portland, Ore. IIis son, Norman Buoy, is in charge of the Portland office of the H. P. Brady Lumber Co.
Calls On Mills
George R. Kendrick, district sales manager, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., San Francisco, has returned from two weeks' trip to the company's sawmills and offices in the Northwest.
Hardwoods - F.t"y Hardwoods
Calif ornia SugarPine
California Ponderosa
California Redwood
Douglas Fir Lumber
Building Materials
Hardwood and Fir Plywoods
Wallboard - Roofing - Nails
"Super Cedar" Closet Lining Insulite Distributors
The House of Ffiendly Service
The Pioneer Hardwood Yard