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Look for cooperation. you won't be disappointed when you buyyour Redwood from t<t<*

There will be a building shortage before long, all over the country. People living in rented houses and apartments will be obliged to buy and build homes because of the very difficulty of finding suitable habitations. The boom will last for a number of years, regardless. Many things may happen to lengthen or shorten it, but it should be of sufficient duration to atone for conditions since 1929.

Plenty of people -rrn ,rL"l,lo ,r,.,"". will again turn to real estate for investment purposes, particularly people who are afraid of the infation bugaboo. Such people will prefer titles to real estate than bonds or mortgages. And erecting income buildings on such property will be the natural thing to follow.

Real estate will get too high. The public will cry aloud that real prop€rty is the soundest and best of all investments. And that will be a good time for the wise man to do some selling, for popular clamor will raise prices above sensible levels. Most building booms create their own volume, like the proverbial snowball.

But the important thing is that we appear to be facing another building boom and real estate boom in this country. And that will be the opportunity for the building material people to use their best judgment, and by so doing make up for the terrific beating they have taken during the years of depression. Every step out of depression is ITSELF an added cure for what is left of the depression. These things become automatic.


If it were not for the labor trouble that apparently looms on the horizon from one ocean to the other, our emergence from depression would seem to be absolutely certain, and the approach of boom times would appear to be immediate and inevitable. Remember, every depression in history has been followed by a high tide of prosperity; the worse the depression the better the times that follow. If we are not submerged in labor troubles, business conditions are going to soar. Every employable man can easily be returned to genuine employment at good wages within the next six months. We have help shortages all over the country right now'

Business today is good. It could easily become twice as good. Fear still keeps billions of private money and credit in seclusio,n; fear of various sorts and of various things. But as I said before, a boom feeds on itself and grows great because of its own accumulation. And every day we see signs of better times, in spite of all these fears.

And now, in various p"lo*or thi, "o.rrrtry we find business men facing prosecution from the Federal government apparently for doing the exact things that this same Government forced them under threat of severe penalties to do just a couple of years ago. When NRA came along it was, for the most part, forced upon business men. The average man hated it. Numerous business men resisted strenuously before they placed themselves under its edicts. The pressure was great enough so that most of them eventually bowed to the seeming inevitable, and hooked up their businesses with the codes. Then the NRA was killed. but we heard preached the word that its good work should nevertheless continue. Yet today we find business interests being attacked in the courts apparently for continuing to do the things, or some of them, that the same Government that now proposes to prosecute them, compelled them to install into their business programs. Funny world, isn't it?

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