3 minute read

Shevlin Sales Gompany Pine

Selling The Products Of

Thc McClrud Rivcc Lunbcr Compaay McClou4 C.Itfmta

Shcvlln-Cbrkc Cupany, Lbttcd Fct Fnner, Olterlo

Thc Shcvlin.Hi:m Copary Ben4 Orego

Hardwood Paneled lnteriors Now Possible At Low Cost

"One of the finest wood products that I have ever seen is 'Carstenite,' made by the Algoma Plywood & Veneer Company of Algoma, Wisconsin," said lfomer Maris of the Maris Plywood Company, San Fran,cis,co, exclusive Northern California distributor forthis material recently.

"'Carstenite' is made from hardwood veneer glued under hot-plate pro,cess with phenol resin to a hardwood fibre back, making it 1@ per cent waterproof.

"It is available in more than 60 varieties of hardwood fa,ces, including gray harewood, tigerwood, zebrawood, curly red birch, bird's-eye maple, teak, French walnut, avodire, prima vera, bubinga, etc.

- "A job in whi,ch tigerwood 'Carstenite' was used that has attracted a lot of attention and called forth much favorable comment is the new automobile display room of the J. tr. French Company, on Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco.

"Any desired paneling or wainscoting effect may be obtained with 'Carstenite,' which brings the ,cost of fine wood interiors within the price range of economical wall construction. Finishing is extremely simple. These panels may be given a lacquer, varnish, shellac or wax treatment, or they may be given a water stain without danger of opening the face joints or endangering the glue bond."

MoveL. A. Ollice To New Lumber Terminal

October 1, the Coos Bay Lumber Co. will move its Los Angeles office to the company's new lumber terminal at Wilmington where they have erected a new office building, dock and distributing yard. The first lumber cargo arrived at the new terminal on September 29. Howard Page is manager of their Southern California operations, and Henry Jorgensen is yard superintendent.

Lucian Joy Hills

Lucian Joy Hills, father of Roy E. Hills of the WendlingNathan Company, San Francisco, passed away in Los Altos, Calif., September 16.

Mr. Hills was born in Illinois 85 years ago, and enjoyed perfect health throughout his long and useful life.

Funeral services were held in Palo Alto. September 18. Interment was at Woodlawn Park

Vacationing At Tahoe

I\{. A. Harris, president, Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co., San Francisco, has been on a vacation trip to Glenbrook Inn & Ranch, Lake Tahoe.

Annie Christenron

Edwin Christenson

Catherine G. Sudden

Eleanor Christenroa

Charler Christenron

Guaranteed Insulation Announced by Celotex

Harold Knapp, general sales manager o.f The Celotex Corporation, has announced the 1O Point Life-of-Ruilding Guarantee on Celotex cane fibre. insulating board which became effective September 15.

In making the announcement, Mr. Knapp said: "We are building our Fall merchandising,campaign around Guaran. teed Insulation. This ,campaign, whi.ch bids fair to be the most powerful in the history of Celotex will not only build confiden'ce in insulation but increased demand for Celotex dealers. It is the culmination of 15 years of experience during which time Celotex has performed so well that \.vd now confidently offer a guarantee in writing covering 10 points important to home and farm construction. Most important among these are the statements, Celotex is guaranteed to maintain insulating efficiency for the life of the building, and Celotex is guaranteed to give lasting fuel economy. These points are followed by eight others which comprise a written contract issued to the owner by us."

The national advertising campaign announ'cing the 10 Point Life-of-Building Guarantee includes advertisements in national magazines, and leading architectural prrblications. The farm market will be informed of this guarantee through ads in leading farm magazines, and ads in building material magazines will ,carry the story to contractors, builders, and dealers. To tie the campaign in with the dealers, they announce a new window transfer, a new embossed metal four-color yard sign, and a new job sign, all featuring Guaranteed Insulation.

The new literature in'cludes a 16-page book titled "What the Celotex 10 Point Life-of-Building Guarantee Means to You," and a 2&-page book titled "Facts You Should I{now About fnsulation." The former is for consumer distribution, the latter is for dealer's use.

Other dealers' helps include a series of 3 direct mail folders to be used by dealers for ,consumer advertising, a folder on Celotex sheathing and one on Celotex lath, and a booklet showing both these types of construction. This literature is available to dealers and contractors for distribution. All will be imprinted with the dealer's name.

Makes Air Round Trip To Potritland

C. C. Stibich, sales manager, Tahoe Sugar Pine Co;, San Francis,co, traveled by United Air Lines plane to Portland, September 23 to attend the meeting of the trade promotion committee of the Western Pine Association. zrEL (& co. 5#,"#&T i$8lHl:

Original predecessor company: Ziel, Bertheau & Co.

Established iu San Francisco ia 1849

Erclusive Sawmill Agents

Douglas Fir-Spruce-Hemlock




There Is Profit For You


A REALLY COMPLETE LINE FR.M ""Y3tB"[[tf,Trr*.o*oD PAPER Including BRO\(NSKIN the Sheathing Paper with a Factor of Safety-It Stretches.


Reinforced With Cords and Burlap


Framingham, Maes. 35O So. Anderson St. 562 Howard St. Loe Angeles San Francisco



Ouronly recommendation is trSr a car of SUGAR or PONDEROSA PINE from Kyburz, Calif., or Lake' view, Oregon.

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