1 minute read


o This Fall rneans lrlore to insulation selling than any previous period. Donrt think for one rninute that any owner has forgotten the beating his pocketbook tookonfuel purchases last winter' Have you? People wantinsulation because they know they need itJ Every rnan who has a horne to heat will welcorne an idea which will help hirn save fuel dollars.

O Right in your town-in every existing building-you have a prospect for Balsarn-vool. rn ho'ses already built, street after street of therno houses that need the lasting cornfort and fuel saving that only Balsarn-wool can assure. And in housee about to be built which cannot be really rnodern 'nless they have insulation that fits every need-Balsarn-wool sEALED rnsulation. That's the ever-growing insulation rnarket-the BalsarnWool Market!

O Balsarn-Wool sells faster, sells easier, and sells rnore profitably -because it has advantages no other insulation can ofrer. It is sealed against wind and rnoisture. It will not settle. rt sufrers no deterioration frorn the hands ofrirne. rt rneets every test, overcornes every argurnent that other insulations advance. For attic insulationo it is sold 'nder a rnoney-back guarantee of satis- faction-a sales feature that gets quickeraction frorn insulation prospects and that takes vour efforts out of cornpetitive class. your the o Balsarn-wool builds profits for you. rt insures you a profitable future in the insularion business because it is SOLD By LUMBER DEALERS ONLY. IJnscrupulous cornpetition and outside agencies cannotsteal your profits because they cannot sell Balsarn-wool ! Balsarn-wool is the best insulation for the owner to buy-the best insulation for the lurnber dealer to sell.

Take advantage of the opportunities which Balsam-Wool creates this fall. Say t'We Sell Balsarn-Wool"-and sell it!

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