3 minute read
Ghronated 7.7nc Ghlortde tt PRESSUNE TREA TEID LUMBEN
Now Treated and Stocked at Our Long Beach Plant for fmmediate Delivery to Lumber Dealers
-Kenneth Smith, Lumber and Allied Products Inst...Los -Angeles
C. G. Bird, Stockton Lumber Co. ... . Stockton
W. K. Kendrick, Valley Lumber Co. ..'Iiresno
Paul Galle, Western Lumber Co. .......Iteedley
J. J. Eymann, Western Lumber Co. '.. ..lleedley
A. P. Wedel, Western Lumber Co. ... .....Reedley
Earl Eymann, Western Lumber Co. ... ..'..r...-Reedley
W. T. Black.'The Calilornia Lumber Merchant ....San Francisco
R. P. Davison, Salinas Lumbermen's Club .....'.Salinas
W. A. Bales, McKinnon's Lumber Yard .Hollister
W. E. Wilson. Monolith Portland Cement Co. ....San Francisco
H. Hagerman, S. P. Milling Co. ..Salinas
A. N. Lofgren, Alvin N. Lofgren
San Francisco
Bernard B. Barber, California Lumbermen's Council ......Fresno
The farmer's wife stopped at the drug store to have two prescriptions re-filled, and she cautioned the druggist when she gave him the order:
"Now you be shore and mark plain on them bottles just exactly which is for my husband, and which'is for the horse. I don't want nothing to happen to that horse until the plowin' season's over."
The rich man has his motor car His country and his town estate, He smokes a fifty-cent cigar And jeers at fate.
He frivols through the live long day He knows not Poverty, her pinch, His lot seems light, his heart seems gayHe has a cinch.
Yet though my lamp burns low and dim Though I must slave for livelihood, Think you that f would change with him? YOU BET I WOULD!
-Franklin P. Adams.
Willing Toeatthem
"One mo' word outa you, big boy, an' Ah'll mek you eat whut you say," said one dark skinned brawler to another. Andthe other answered: "Hambones, poke-chops, an' watehmellon, black boy. Les see you mek me eat dcm."
The wisest of the wise
Listen to pretty lies
And love to hear them told.
Doubt not that Solomon
Listened to many a one
Some in his youth, and more when he grew otu'-r"rruor.
Brtght lunber neanc NO CLAIMS!
I-umber is graded "on looks"-and if it's bright and clean and evenly dried it's a safe bet that it has come from a modern mill equipped with roott't ntYEntrBLI
I returned from a trip around the world with a lively appreciation of the accident of birth that made America my vineyard, not so much for material advantage as for the blessings of comparative freedom. Contact with the Old World, even as fleeting as that offered by the fourmonth tour, gives the American an astonishing new comprehension of the glib phrase "modern civilization."
One comes to know that the millenium is not just around the corner but most of the world, in point of territory, and also population, is primitive-nearly unchanged during the centuries that have witnessed the rise of the few great, progressive, free, grand nations. Indeed, one comes poignantly to understand that the savior of the world, in a material sense at least, is not yet come.
The yawning divisions of civilization, through ignorance, egotistic provincialism, crazed caste, class, clan, tribe and group, particularly the nationalistic and religious fanaticism, grind and clash on every side, and the rarest elements are intelligent toleration and a spirit of human brotherhood.
On the inexpressibly beautiful, wonderful, bounteous terrestial sphere, and on the blue green waters that reflect the rainbow, the fashing dolphin in flight, the moon and stars by night, and the overhanging island palms and rocks, by day, "only man is vile."
(By Marlen Pew, Editor, The Editor and Publisher.)
Absent Minded
The absent-minded Professor's wife said to him: "A truck just ran over your hat."
And the absent-minded Professor looked mildly interested, and inquired: "Was I wearing it?"
Find a mountain and climb its side, And know how small a thing is pride. Or hold a feeling love has brought And know how cord
Heads Pine Dept. of \(/endling-Nathan Co. IOUBlE-IOURSINE
Announcement is made by WendlingNathan Compan-v, San Francisco, of the appointment of W. H. Nigh to be in charge of Ponderosa and Sugar Pine sales in their San Fran,cisco offi'ce, succeeding Fred R. Lamon, rvho has resigned to enter business for himself.
Mr. Nigh is well knorvn to Northern California dealers, havir.rg been sales represcntative of Shevlin Pine Sales Company and the McCloud River l-rrrnber Company in San Frar-rcisco since 1928. He started to work for McCloud River Lumber Company at McCloud in 1923 ancl worked in the mill in various departments until he came to the San !-rancisco ollice in 1928.