5 minute read

Calilornia Building Permits lor August


Los Angeles ...

San Fran'cisco

*West Los Angeles ..


Los Angeles County Unincorporated Area

*San Fernando Valley Annex... Oakland San Diego

Long Beach .... *Hollywood


* Included in Los Angeles totals.

Ncw San Francigco \(/holesale Firm

Fred R. Lamon and G. F. "Jerry" Bonnington, lvell known San Francisco lumbermen, who have been with Wendling-Nathan Company for many years, announce that they are leaving to enter business for themselves. They will open offices about O'ctober 15 at 16 California Street, San Fran,cisco, under the name of Lamon-Bonnington Company, and will conduct a general wholesale lumber business.

Both of the ,principals in the new firm have had over 25 years' experience in the lumber business. Mr. Lamon left Colgate University in 1910 to enter the famous Biltmore Forestry S,chool. As a part of the course he studied in Germany for six months, and when the course was completed found himself at Coos Bay, Ore. Ife went to work there for the C. A. Smith Lumber Company in 1911, and in three years gained experien,ce in logging, cruising and timberinspecting. He wentfrom there to Bay Point, Calif., where he worked through all the departments from lumber handler to grader, and after some experience in the offi'ce went on the road for the company in the S.an Joaquin Valley. In 1919 he left to spend a year on the road for The Pacific Lumber Company in the San Joaquin Valley. In February l92O he went with Wendling-Nathan Company, taking ,charge of sales in the San Joaquin and Sacramento Valleys, and in 1926'came into the San Francisco office to establish and take charge of the companv's Ponderosa and Sugar Pine department, and has been there up to date.

Mr. Bonnington left school in California in 1910, and went right into the lumber business in the Puget Sound district, spending a year in a logging camp and a year and a half in Dougl,as Fir mills working at various jobs. He then returned to California and went to work for the Union Lumber Company at Fort Bragg, working in several different departments in the mill and yard for about three years. He spent three and a half years in the retail business in San Jose and Salinas, and then traveled for the Coos Bay Lumber Company for a couple of years, leaving to go with Wendling-Nathan Company in 1921. He has been there ever since, selling lumber in the San Francisco Bay area and the Coast Counties territorv.


T. P. Hogafl, Jr., of Hogan Lumber Co., Oakland, has returned from a three weeks' business and pleasure trip to Washington, Oregon and British Columbia, on which he was accompanied by Mrs. Hogan.

They traveled up the Redwood Highway and the Coast Highway to the Olympic Peninsula and around the Penin. sula to Port Angeles, then,ce crossing to Vi,ctoria, and after spending some time there proceeding to Nanaimo from where they crossed to Vancouver, B. C. They made the return journey by the Pacific Highway.

Mills visited on the tour included Coos Bay Lumber Co., Marshfield, 'Ore.; Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingie Co., Aberdeen; Donocan Lumber Co., Aberdeen; Seattle Export Co., Seattle; Bloedel-Donovan Mi11s, Bellingham ; Wheeler-Osgood Sales Corp., and Peterman Mfg. Co., Tacoma.

Kelly-Smith Co. New Los Angeles Wholesale Firm

J. Walter Kelly and Stuart C. Smith, well known California lumbermen, announce the opening of an offrce at 421 Garfield Building, Los Angeles, on October 1 where they will carry on a general wholesale lumber business operating as the Kelly-Smith Co.

Mr. Kelly has been associated with the lumber business in California since 1913 when he went to work for the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. in their San Francisco office, and with the exception of the time he was in the Navy during the war, was'continuously with the firm until 1935. For several years he was sales manager for the company. He resigned in 1935 to be'come general manager of the Consolidated Lumber Co. at Los Angeles and Wilmington. Since leaving the Consolidated Lumber Co. last February, he has been following the wholesale lumber bttsiness in Los Angeles.

Mr. Smith went with the Coos Bay Lumber Co., after coming out of the Army in 1919, and was connected with their logging and manufacturing departments at Marshfield, Oregon. In L924 he came to Southern California and was in charge of their lumber shipments at Los Angeles harbor, later joining their Los Angeles sales staff. A few years later he was transferred to the company's San Francis'co offi,ce and spent a few years calling on the retail trade in the Sacramento Valley and Coast Counties. He then went into the retail lumber business for himself at Lafayette, Calif., where he operated the Lafayette Lumber Co. He was back in Southern California again in 1933, as manager of the Coos Bay Lumber Co.'s Los Angeles office from which position he resigned a few months ago.

Smith-Kelly Co. will handle Douglas Fir, Pine, Redvrood, shingles, lath, Redwood split products, and pressure- treated lumber, poles and piling.

When You Sell

Booth-Kelly Douglas Fir, the Asgociation grade and trade mark certify to your customers the quality of the stock you handle. Builders quit guessing about what they're buying, and buy where they know what they're getting.

Joe Rolando Lands Big One

You just have to believe fishermen when they produce the eviden'ce, and the fish shown in the accompanying picture were ,even bigger than they appear.

pn a recent fishing trip at Requa, at the mouth of the Klamath River, three San Fran'cisco lumbermen, Joe Rolando, Jack Simon and Al Nolan arranged thatthe man who caught the biggest fish by 8 o'clock in the morning was to buy the breakfast for the party.

General Sales Ofrce: Eugene, Ore.

Mills: Wendling, Ore., Spfigfield, Ore.


Northern California Hill & Morton, Inc.

Denieon St. What

Southern Californir E. J, Stenton & Sou 2050 E. 38th St.

Oakland-ANdover 1077 Loe Angeler{Entury 29211

They started fishing at 6 and Al 'caught a 16 lb. at 6:30. Ja,ck brought a 17 pounder aboard abost 7 but at exactly 7 30 Joe lande'd a beautiful 3O/z lb. and won the contest and lost the bet. Al says Joe most cheerful loser he ever saw.

Back From Northwest

salmon o'clock, salmon r'vas the

A. C. Penberthy, Tacoma Lumber Sales, Los Angeles, is back from a two weeks' business trip to the Northwest. He traveled both ways by airPlane.

Will Seek New Markets for \(/est Coast Hemloclc

In line withits established policy of extending markets for Douglas fir, West Coast hemlock, Western red cedar and Sitka spruce as aggressively as possible, the West Coast Lumbermen's Association announces it will make an intensive survey of the market possibilities for West Coast hemlock. The survey will be made by T. J. Torkelson, under the direction of C. J. Hogue, director of the Association's trade extension bureau.

Transferred to San Francisco

W. J. "Bill" Lawrence, formerly resident sales manager of McCloud River Lumber Co., McCloud, Calif., has been transferred to San Francisco as sales representative of Shevlin Pine Sales Co., succeeding W. H. Nigh, who has resigned to go with Wendling-Nathan Co., San Francisco. G. F. Wetzel has been appointed sales manager at McCloud.

New Lumber Terminal Company

AllanE. Sorrell, formerly manager of the terminal department of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co', has organized the Lumber Terminal Company at Zffi Evans Avenrrt, San Francisco, for the purpose of giving a complete terminal operation service and highway trucking service' Mr. Sorrell is owner-manager of the new concern. Telephone number is VAlencia 4114.


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