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Throw You Away DON'T r Advertising Appropriation llr. Lumber lVlerchant

' Before you spend your good money for Plan Services, Dealers' Helps, Cuts, Slides, Plans and Advertising, make a careful investigation to determine whether or not the service offered you is a practical orHln€ that will care for the requirements of your clients and produce sufficient results to iustify the investment you make

Over four hundred of California's leading lumber merchants will tell you the only creative, productive and practical Plan and Building Service ever developed for California dealers to use is the service we have made available for you.

Here are the names of some of California's largest lumber dealers and line-yard operators, firms who have wasted vast sums of money experimenting with other Plan Services, and who now are using ours. So thoroughly are we meeting their needs in both plan and advertising services, it will be a pleasure for them to advise with you.

Bentley-Schoeneman Lumber Co., Glendale

Hayward Lumber & Investment Co., Headquarters, Los Angeles

Fox-Woodsum Lumber Co., Headquarters, Glendale

Barr Lumber Company, Headquarters, Santa Ana

Gibbs, Ganahl, Adams-Bowers and Gibson Lumber Coe., Anaheim

Whittier Lumber Company, Whittier

King Lumber Company, Headquarters, Bakcr# field

Burnett Lumber Co., Headquarters, Tulare

Valley Lumber Co., Headquarters, Fresno

Brey-Wright Lumber Co., Headquarters, Porterville

Modesto Lumber Company, Headquartere, Modesto

Simpson-Grey Lumber Company, Stockton

Sacramento Lumber Company, Sacramento

Shasta Lumber Company, Marysville

Diamond Match Company, Headquarters, Chico

The Minton Company, Mountain View

The Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co., Headquarters, Salinas

Sterling Lumber Company, Headquarters, San Francisco

Santa Fe Lumber Company, Headquarters, San Francisco

Woodhead Lumber Company, Los Angeles

Boyd, Santa Barbara and Union Lumber Companies, Santa Barbara.

Ours is strictly a_California service, created and operated for you to apply. The 3G5 plans leltured in the_Photographic leuipment show homes that have been-built in every p_art of_ th9 stgte, and in procuring this s€rvice you are assured of being able to meet witft tlre indildual requirements of the home building public in your trade- territory and have the satisfaction of knowing you have the most complete, practical and produciive service available.

Detailed information will be gladly given to interested dealers.

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