1 minute read
What Home Ownership Does For A Man
The story is told of the old mother cat who lived on one ride of the rtreet, and the ^A,irdale dog who lived on the other. ordinarily, when the dog wandered acrorc the rtreet to where the cat Iived, the cat promptly "beat it."
But now and then there came to virit the mother cat an occasional batch of kittens.
when THAT happened, and the Airdale dog wandered into the cat'a back yard, thinge were difierent. There waa a tangle of rnarlr, a bushel of fying clawr and teeth, a cyclone of offended feline rage-and the dog f,ew for hir life, nor paused in the manner of hir going.
whv the change? Because with the RESPONSIBILITY which those kittens brought, came the vision of her rightr ar a mother; faith in her ability to defend her young; courage to face the otherwire fearrome intruder; and the energy to go through with the charge that brought vieory.
And folks, that'r what HOME does for a man.
The responribilitv of a HOME; a HoME to live in, to work and rave and racrifice to pay for; a HOME of his own with all the world outside; a citadel where he ir KING.
It bringg to him, alro, the proper vision of his citizenrhip; faith in hinr. self and his opportunitier; courage to meet hic rerponribilitier and hb problems; energy to go through with hir rerponsibilities as a REAL home owning citizen.
What a grand character builder, ir HOME.