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SPEBI) GettstEm!
We've got the quality of goods to supply the Southern California lumber trade, and above all, we have the ability to give unequalled service in the matter of delivery. We make
24 Hour Delivery to any part of Southern California on Stock Material
One week's delivery on Special Manufactured
Material lr-11
We carry in ctock a big supply of fir and white pine doorq windows, and sash. Also glass. Also fir and redwood columng fir and redwood garage doors.
WE MAKE SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS ON ORDERS OF 2OO OR MORE OPENINGS lf you want Qudity, Satirfaction, Scrvicc and Fart Dclivery, writc, wirc or phonc ur.
Telephone: Pico 6740
Mr. Dealer:-
Here is another 3-column newEpaper advertisement that makeE a building appeal from a most practical and potent viewpoingResponsibility. Use it as you see fit.