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Through its executive ofricer, R. W. Kearny, the State Immigration and Housing Commission has gone on record as planning a new housing law wherein the ban on shingles will be removed..
"f am now familiar," says Archbishop Hanna, "with the provision of the act making it unlawful to use shingles.
"Of course, f was not familiar with the provision when the act was passed. IIad I known about it at the time, I should have repudiated it both as a member of the State Immigration and Housing Commission and. as a citizen."
"I-iumber Bought at lfome" is the expressive slogan being used by the Gibson Lumber Company at Fullerton in ad.vertising material delivered on construction jobs. These words, in large letters, with the signature of the company und.erneath, are printed on attractive cards and posted on every job that the company serves. It is doing much to call attention to the importance of patronizing home industry.
The idea was conceived by "Jack" Smith, manager.
After a two months' shu.tdown, while waiting for dry lumber, the M. A. Burns Manufacturing Co. have resumed operations at their box factory at Castilla. Mr. Burns reports that his shingle mill at Eureka is running to capacity, and. at this plant they are also manufacturing about 220,000 redwood shakes and 50,000 fir lath and car-strips per day.
-Walter D. 'Wise, well-known l.los Angeles wholesaler, is back in his office after an interesting visit to the mills in Oregon. Mr. Wise is the Southern California representa- tive for the Buehner Lumber Company of Coos Bay and of the Trower Lumber Company of San Francisco. He is the pioneer wholesaler of the South, opening the ffrst office in Los Angeles more than twenty years ago.
The door factories of the Northwest have enough ord.ere on their books now to run them for several months. accord. ing to advices from the Wheeler-Osgood plant in Tacom.a, received by Robert Osgood, manager of the l-ios Angeles branch. The 'Wheeler-Osgood plant now has orders for 298,000 doors, and 1,596,000 .square feet of panels, but every efrort is being nad.e to get prompt shipment. The panel sal.es of the last three months have been the largest in history, says Mr. Osgood.
Yard And Office Manageb
Yard. manager, ofrice man, wants to make qhange. Sixth year as manager with large line yard company. A,ge M. Married. A-1 bookkeeper, collector, salesman and. estimator; d.esires perm.anent loeation in California. 'Woutd consid.er position with manufacturers or wholesalers. Aaldress R A E, care CAL. IJUMBER MERCEANT.