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Shingle Campaign Isby No MeansWon
"Ifnless the lumbermen show more interest in the fight, the state housing bill, with its vicious anti-shingle provision will be carried and shingles will be outlawed in California. "
This sensational statem.ent by one of the best informed. retail lumber dealers in the state probably expresses the true state of affairs. He, as well as others who are keeping in touch with the actual situation, are urging a greater interest, a greater enthusiasm, over the necessity of voting NO on the housing bill at the coming election. But if will not be enough if only the lumbermen vote NO. They must get their families and all their friends and all their customers to vote NO.
The housing bill is Number 5 on the ballot.
Some enterprising dealers are preparing to send. brief explanations of the efrects of the measure with their monthly statements which they will mail out to all their customers on November 1. They are not telling their customers how they shall vote, but are confid.ent that if the provisions of the bill are honestly und.erstood the average man or woman will vote against it.
Because few people are going to vote away their rights to use whatever class of roofing material they choose, and if this neasure is passed. the use of shingler will be prohibitecl under most circumstances, and made extremely difricult in all.
Meanwhile the supporters of the measure-the opponents of shingles-are busy. They are emphasizing the numerous really beneficial sections of the measure and putting the "soft pedal" on the anti-shingle section. The bill has many meritorious provisions and was passed in the first place for the purpose of placing those meritorious provisions in effect. The anti-shingle section crept in, somehow.
It will be the easiest thing in the world for the legislature to re-enact those worth-while sections, omitting the inhibition against shingles.
Therefore it is necessary for the lumbermen and the friends of the lumber industry to vote NO on the whole bill -No. 5 on the ballot.
Archbishop Edward J. Elanna, a member of the State Inmigration and. Housing Commission, repudiates the State' Housing Act both as a commissioner and as a citizen animated. by the spirit of fair play. Archbishop llanna is opposed to the efrort being made through the State Hounng Act to outlaw the shingles as roofing material in California. His inclividual position is strietly in accord. with the stanrl iaken by the State Immigration and Housing Commission as a whole.
To the home builder between now and the Novcmber voting on the referendum coneictr of advbing yow curtomen of the value of Shingler ar a roof and wall covering.