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At the meeting of the Los Angeles Eloo-Hoo club at the City CluF on Thursday, October 5, Curtis 'Williams, the new vicegerent for the district, wielded the gavel for the first time and was given an enthusiastic ovation by the assembled cats.
Mr. Williams' choice as head of the district is a popular one and his administration promises to be one of the most successful in the history of the Order in Southern California. He was cr,,Rrrs wrLrAMs designated for the_ pl.ac9 by the members themselves and his formal appoint- ment was a mere confirmation of what the membersfrlp naa d.one.
It will be Snark Williams.' pu_rpose, he says, to build up the membership of his districf during his adniinistration-l not so much with the idea of acquiring mere members, but to maintain _the highest possible slandard in the quality anct character of the organiZation.
Curtis Williams has been connected with the lumber in_ dustry of the Los Angeles terriotry for more than 25 years. D_urjng most of that time he was with the I_r. W. Blinn ;"gr;_ ization, Ieaving a:r executive position there, about fo;" t;;; !Bo, to elnbark in the wholesale business.for himself. He has offices in the Trust & Savings buililing.
He.is ]t[.o. 1_1,50.3 in the IIoo-Hoo fraternlty, which shows that he joined quite some time aso.
X'r!{ay, November 3, w_ill be a big day in the annals of IIoo-Hoo in Arizona, for that will be-Hoo-Hoo day ;;;t;_ bermen's day at the state fair in phoenix, and there will be a gathering of the faithful from all parts of the state and from many sections of other states.
. John C. I-right,. state counselor for Arizona, is working hard on the preliminary arrangements, but he is ably as-- sisted by P. I. Merithew, vicegerent for the clistrict of which Phoenix is the center.
All visiting lumbermen are expected to attend the state fair during the day and then join in the big eoncat at the Adams Ilotel at 6 o'clock in the evening.
The principal speakers of the evening will be Supreme Senior Hoo-Hoo C. D. LeMaster of Fresno, and Parson Simpkin of Santa Monica, chaplain of the Order. Following the dinner and speaking a concat will take place.
AII vicegerents of the state will go-operate in interesting members and lumbermen in attending the state fair on this day, and in securing applications for new members and reinstatements of olcl. Every retailer, wholesaler and manufacturer of lumber in the state will receive an invitation to participate in the event and make this Hoo-Hoo and Lumbermen's Day one of the outstanding features in attendance,
It is anticipated that this concatenation in new members and reinstatements will break all records of the year and 'u'ill result in the organizing of Hoo-Hoo clubs in all principal cities of the state. The Hoo-Hoo and lumbermen of the state of Arizona are looking forward to this day as one of both pleasure and interest.
(From the Gulf Coast Liumberman.)
On the Pacific Coast Hoo-IIoo has finally come into its own; has fulfilled the vision of its strongest adherents. Take California, for instance. In that state IIoo-Hoo enjoys the most enviable position possible to imagine. The biggest and best lumbermen in the state are its officers, the heads of the companies everywhere are its active members, and membership is at a premium. The old-time horseplay is gone. Dignity has replaced those features to which the more dignified lumbermen used to object, just as the splendid new Code of Ethics has replaced the old idea of boisterous initiations. In California the IIoo-Hoo members meet frequently at social affairs, at luncheons, at dinners,
Some More of TOM'S SAYINGS
a,t outings, and there is wond.erful popularity vested in these meetrngs.
In California, when you sit down in tlignifietl good the craft, and they are as as of their first-born.
attend a lloo-Hoo meeting you fellowship with the leaders of proud of their lloo-Iloo button
It's a big thing to be a Hoo-Hoo in California. The Iines are tightly drawn, and no one can get in who is not thoroughly and directly eligible.
And it will become a big thing to be a Hoo-Hoo in many other states, with such men as W. S. Dickason injecting enthusiasm into the ord.er and its affairs.
Weaver Roofing

A lumberman whom Californians always delight to welcome is L. R. Fifer, head of the L. R. Fifer Irumber Company of Seattle.
Mr. Fifer has been in Los Angeles, with Mrs. Xrifer and their daughter, for the last 10 days, and has been receiving a royal welcome from his numerous friends both in and out of the lumber business.
"I-:ou" Fifer, as he is popularly known up and d.own the (ioast, is the dean of the whblesale lumbermen in the Northwest. He probably has a wid.er acquaintance among lumbermen than any other man in Washington or Oregon. He was the first representative that the lrong-Bell Lumber Company had. on the Coast, and later went into business for himself.
"I-lou" has been a Hoo-Hoo ever since the Great Black Cat was but a kitten and no gathering of the faithful in his part of the country is complete without his presence, as he is a ready speaker, keen wit ancl gifted story-teller.
You have often heard me murmur, in a hestitating way, that if a fellow WANTS to build, He'll somehow find a way And I've just as often added-and the words came from my heart-that if YOU want to make IIIM want, you'Il have to make the start.
For when a man is fully sold. on getting him a home, he'll prune and save and work and slave and clig into the Ioam. But when a t'home" is but a "house", it seems quite secondary to cars dwelling temporary. and clubs and golf; he dubs his
You should show him very plainly, do not be ambiguous, the incidental nature of the other things he d.oes. Tell him' one by one, the features that comprise a modern HOME; list the many, many blessings that are missed by those who roam.