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California Is Best Painted State
California is easily the best PAINTED state in the .A,merican union. No doubt on earth about it.
It might well be claimed for California also, that she is the best REPAIRED state in the union.
' California is innately and enthusiastically proud of her APPEARANCE. Drive through California in any part or in any direction, and seldom do you,see a drab looking building, a wobbly fence, a leaning barn, a disjointed roof, a dirty corner, or other eyesore so common in most states.
The climate of California lends much to the appearance of her buildings. The fact that in rainy weather it is not hot, and in hot weather it does not rain, gives a well painted surface long life, and cleanly and bright appearance.
It is a mixture of heat and rain that tears off the paint surface.
Add to this the pride of the average Californian, both city and country dweller, in the LOOKS of his home, his barn, his fences, and all of his possessions, and you discover the reason why this IS the best painted state.
And repairs come largely under the same head. For the
Committee Prepares For Soutiiern Annual
Members of the commjttee in charge of arrangements for the Southern California Retail L,umber Dealers' Association met in Secretary Morgan's office last Wednesday to make further arrangements for the annual meeting at the AIexandria Hotel, Saturday, November 13. Every lumber d.ealer in the southern territory, whether he is a member of the association or not, will be invited-yes, urged-to attend the meeting. An interesting program of able speakers will be offered. The usual banquet will be held in the evening.
Frank Curran, manager of the l-.los Angeles ofrice of the E. K. Wood Lumber Company, has returned. from a trip to the Northwest. He visited the sales ofrices in Portland and the mills at Hoquaim and Bellingham.
same reason that paint holds well, wooden buildings also live long and look sound, in California.
The lumber retailer who is out to sell all the building material in his community, as well as the paint to cover it, thus has several strong elements working in his favor. Liet him take advantage of them to the fullest degree.