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Big Time Promised at State / Convention in S. F. Oct.28
Perfection of the California Lumbermen's Association will be accomplished at the eonvention of the organization to be heid at the Whitcomb Hotel in San Francisco on Saturday, October 28.
That much is certain now. It is no secret that when the meeting first was called, there was some question whether the state in general would be thoroughly represented as interest seemed to be lagging in some quarters.
But within the Iast few weeks lumbermen North and South have become FRED coNNER aroused and before the meeting takes place some real enthusiasm doubtless will be manifest.
The officers and committees in charge of arrangements have wisely decided not to offer a cut and dried. progran, but will have the meeting wide open for whatever discussions the members care to offer. Of course, there will be some formal speaking, such as the ofricers' reports and other details, but there will be no attempt at long-winded oratorp'.
More than a dozen important questions will be up for decision and as the convention is scheduled to last but one day, the proceedings will be conducted with snap and vigor.
Fred Conner of Sacramento, president of the association, will conduet the meeting. The opening gun will be firecl promptly at 10 o'clock in the morning. Sessions will continue through the afternoon and wind up with a dinner at 6 :30 in the evening. A dance and entertainment will follow. Lumbermen and lumber women both will be there.
Since coming to the state two weeks ago, and taking have a tendency soon to improve the Southern Pine order accounts.
Heavy Cargoes Continue To Come
The delivery of lumber coming to Los Angeles harbor at San Pedro continues in about the same volume as has prevailed through the year. For the first 11 days of the month an aggregate of 3816951000 feet had been received, of which 7r275rOOO was redwood and the balance fir.
Official reports from the Los Angeles Harbor Commission for the month of .A,ugust account for the arrival of the equivalent of 89,555,120 feet of lurnber, of which 8319211978 feet actually was lumber and the balance latlr, shingleo' shakes, ties and polea. This report does not include cargoes unloaded at Santa Barbara, Redondo and other ports in Southern California.
Money Needed To Save Shingles
The Southern California committee on the Anti-Shingle bill is appealing to lumbermen for funds to carry on the work. A subctantial sum is needed. Every lumberman charge of the association offices in San Francisco, E. D. Tennant, the newly appointed secretary-manager, has done a tremendous volume of work and has succeeded in arousing interest among lumbermen who never were interested before. i
He has visited the San Joaquin Valley and the southern part of the state as far south as San Diego. Before the convention is held he will get into many other districts. Other officers of the association also are working to arouse the boys to action and to insure a big attendance.
Orange County Ctub Boosts State Meet
At an enthusiastic meeting of the Orange County l-rumbermen's Club in the Elks' home at Anaheim last Monday evening, E. D. Tennant, secretary-manager of the California Lumbermen's Assodiation, explained the plans of the organization and urged the lumbermen of the south to attend the meeting in San Francisco on Oetober 28. As a result at least six or eight will go-maybe more. A. H. Grim, president of the association, presided. Among the other speakers were Henry Ricldiforcl and F. L. Morgan, who spoke on market conditions.
Richard A. Hiscox, well known San Francisco lumberman, and E. D. Tennant, secretary-manager of the state association, attended the weekly meeting of the Los $.ngeles HooHoo club at the City CIub last Thursday, October 12. Both rzisitors spoke on the importanee of the forthcoming state eonvention in San Franeisco, and urged Los AnEeles lumberm.en to attend.
and 6rm is being solicited. The committee are: B. . Bookstaver, Fred Golding and J. A. Thomas. All runications and remittances should be sent to the at 73O Van Nuys Building, Los Angeles.
P. I. Merrithew, representatvie of the E. K. Wood Lumber Co., at Phoenix, Ariz., and vicegerent of Hoo-Hoo there, is in [.os Angeles inviting lumbermen to attend the big get-together meeting and concat at Phoenix, Friday' November 3. A special lumbermen's program wjll be staged at the state fair. A big dinner will be served at the Phoenix Country Club in the evening. The concat will follow. All lumberrnen intending to be preeent ir€ r€quested to notify Mr. Merithew at 812 7th .dv., Phoenix, so that reservations can be made for dinner.
Redwood Assoctation Members Meet
The regular luncheon of the California Redwood .A,ssociation was held last Tuesday at the San Francisco Commercial Club. Traffic Manager Larson presented important facts on the present freight rate situation. The Association proposes to hold the annual meeting three monthe earlier each year so that trade extension activities may be timed to coincide better with market conditions.