2 minute read
Mr. Hammond Piloting Affairs at L. A. Yard
A. B. Hammond, the veteran, but youthful and energetic, head of the Hammond. Lumber Company, is in Los Angeles for a few weeks looking after the mammoth retail yardand terminal properties of the company, while H. W. Mcleod, the local manager, is on a vacation trip in Canada.
Mr Hammond takes great delight in looking after the numeroris activities of his Los Angeles properties. The I-.ios ' Angeles yard is the largest retail lumber store in the world. ft is largely the creation of Mr. Ilammond's own brain. He long ago foresaw the wonderful development that now is taking place in Southern California and visioned the necessity of preparing to handle the tremend.ous volume of business growing out of that development.
While he spends the greater part of his time at his San Francisco office, Mr. Hammond is in close and constant touch with the Los Angeles end and has an intimate knowledge of what is going on in every department.
On his present stay he is being besieged by heads for more room-more room to take care stantly increasing business. And he wants to them, as he does not want the wonderful service his institution has built up a reputation to be
Consequently it is probable that some important ments soon will be authorized.
Mr. Hammond says that he has not determined the mill at Astoria,. Oregon, which was destroyed month ago, will be rebuilt.
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ROTARY CUT, from selected Old Growth Timber-the pick of the Timber Giants of the Northwest.
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The Hart-Wood Lumber Co. have decided to discontinue their retail yard at 301 Berry street, San Francisco. This yard was started January 1, 1905, by Richard A. Iliscox, and ofricials of the Hart-Wood Lumber Co., with Mr. Hiscox as manager.
A few weeks ago Mr. Hiscox sold his interests in the wholesale end of the llart-Wood Lumber Co. to the HartWood Lumber Co., but still retained his interests in their retail yard and steamers. Mr. Iliscox figures it will take until the first of the year to close out their yard business.
'With the passing of the Hart-'Wood retail yard on Berry street, Mr. Hiscox wiII have served 28 years on this location, as prior to the opening of their retail yard, he served. 10 years with Wilson Bros. in this block. Mr. Hiscox is now operating a wholesale lumber business known as the Western States T,umber Co., with ofrices in the Fife building, San Francisco.
B. J. Boorman, president of the B. J. Boorman Lumber Company of Great Falls, Mont., one of the most important line yard concerns in that part of the country, has been in California for the last few weeks, visiting relatives at I-iong Beach. Mr. Boorman formerly was president of the Western Retail Lumber Dealers' Association. It is understood that he may establish a line of yards in Southern California.
Ir. W. McDonald, of the McDonald & Harrington Lumber Company, has returned from a month's business trip in the Northwest. I{e looked over the lumber situation in the PortIand, Centralia, Willapa Harbor, Grays Harbor, Seattle, and. Everett districts. He made the trip North by automobile, but returned from Seattle on the H. F. Alexander. He was accompanied by Mrs. IltcDbnald.
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