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Modesto Lumber Co. Makes Splendid Display at Industrial Show
When the leading business men of Modesto recently d.e- conceded by Mr. Falconbury to be worth many times its ciclecl to hold an industrial exposition, offering a public cost. He feels sure it will result in a substantial amount of presentation of the principal products of their community, profitable business for his firm.
W. H. Falconbury, foaoafe" of tne Mod.esto Lrumber Com- Modern merchandising methods of this kind have proved. pany, immecliately' got busy. to be practical object lessons for other lumber dealers of the
- Ili'fixed.uponeof-themostattractiveboothsof thewhole country. The material for Mr. Falconbury's booth, was show and it-attracted the attention of hundreds of pros- supplied by the I-rumbermens'Service Association of l-ros pective home owners. Angeles, rwhich institution is ready to co-operatg wilh
- The aceompanying illustration ofrers a comprehensive other enterprising lumbermen in furnishing materials, picrriew of the bobth and reflects the firm purpose of this enter- l'ures, cabinets, etc,, for similar tlisplay booths. prising concern to cond.uct its business along real productive rnerchand.ising lines.
The booth itself was constructed. of wall board which ofrered. an ideal means of ealling the attenliou of the buying public to this product.
The floor was constructed of hardwood mad.e up in panels 3x6, showing he different grad.es of oak, beech, birch and maple, and was an object Iesson that commanded attention and consideration of all.
The interior was equipped with two transparency cases in which were featured attractive homes in colors. Other colored. mounted pictures adorned the walls and on the table conveniently arranged. was displayed the complete Photographic Plan and Building Service which is an all important department of this modern merchandising firm.
More than 6,000 attractively illustrated descriptive folders were given away during the week, calling attention to the iomplete service maintained by this firm for the benefit of the building public, anl altogether this general display was