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Educational Trip for Salesmen
The Weyehaeuser interests have a big staff of high-caliber salesmen traveling over the Iength and breadth of this land selling the famous Weyerhaeuser forest products and keeping th=e name of Weyerhaeuser ever prominently before the lumber-buying public.
While most of these salesmen exercise their selling eloquence in the East and Midclle West, practically all of the freyerhaeuser lumber is produced in the'West and on the Pacific Coast.
So in order to keep the salesmen informed on what is going on at the seat of operatiots and give them first-hand f,oo#tudg. of the lumbei that they have to sell, the chief executives of the'Weyerhaeuser sales department, ev€ry so often, call all these men together,-hire ? lpecial train and' take them on an excursion to the mills and through the forest areas of the great Northwest.
Paint Supply For Lumber Dealers
This they did a few months ago. The party gathered at St. Paul and first visited the white pine mills in Minnesota' Thence they proceeded across the prairie country to the 'Western pine mills in ldaho, to the general sales offices in Spokane, then on over to Everett and Snoqualmie FaIIs, where the big 'Weyerhaeuser fir mills are located, stopping at Seattle, Portland. and other big lumber market centers before going their separate ways to their several headquarters in the East.
The party was in charge of L. S. Case, the general sales -attag6" of the Weyerhaeuser organization, a1d I' N. Tate, the as"sistant sales m&nager' When they got to Spokane they all hacl their picture tiken. Mr. Case is the third figure from the left in the lower row.
LUMBER YARDS anticipating the sale of PAINT, not ac a rideline, but as a leading building material, should first consider a line of paint that is made BY the contracting painter and contracting builder, and FOR the contracting painter and builder' Our materialr are made for the contractor who Lnowe what materidr will do to a$bt in so painting the lumber ar to improve itr acceptability.
WE TIAVE A PAINT PROPOSTTION FOR LI''IUBER YARDS. Will bc plcarcd to rubnit it oa rcqucrt'