1 minute read
Ripe Fruits and Dealer Helps
Pluck them ripe from the tree-nourishing, appetizingdelicious. They are yours to have and to use. To let them stay on the tree and decay were wanton waste.
Use in like manner the helps, aids and suggestions offered you by the makers of the goods you have to sell'
You don't even have to climb or shake the tree-the fruits are brought to you all ready for eating.
Ilere's a firm, for instance, making, let us stiy, WAIIII BOARD.
This firm wants to SELI.I waII board THROUGH YOU. They MAKE it-you DISTRIBUTE it-ancl both receive payment for their work-profits.
The more sold-the more proffts.
They are interested. in increasing your sales-and we'Il just suppose you, also, are interested..
At considerable expense they prepare a method for enlarging the demand. and the market for wall board-a method that must be handled through you-as the one in closest touch with the ultimate consumer.
This firm specializes in wall board-they concentrate on it -they study it night and day. They know all about ithow it is made and what it wiII and will not do-and their information is naturally wider and more authoritative than that of one for whom wall board is merely incidental.
They have developed ways of using wall board. you never thought of-they offer to show those ways to your customers-and each way means a new chance for you to make a sale.
They tell the people at large what can be done-ancl they tell the intlividual how he can do it. They create a demand -they incite interest-they strengthen a want-and then they ofrer to send that READY-MADE CUSTOMER, to you to buy.
'When you can spare time from grumbling over rotten business, put a few moments on trying to comprehend what they are trying to do for your own particular benefit.
Others are working similarly in your behalf ; other makers of the GOODS YOU SELI-/ are working out means to EEI-IP YOU SEI,I-I THEM.
Take instant and full advantage of these aids-of these fruits that are handed to you-or forever refrain from talking about hard times and poor business-of the trouble and danger of climbing the fruit tree.
Take what is handed to you and use it-thankfully.