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Apply "Mob Psychology" to Business
Any man who has ever tried it knows that one of the most diffcult things to do is to drive a single calf-but it is mighty easy to stamped.e a whole herd.
That's Mob Psychology. Sheep stufr. X''ollow the leader.
A.d, applied to retail lumber salesmanship, it would. appear very entirely apropos; not?
If there was but one house to be built and but one man for whom it was to be built; that's one thing.
If there was but one house-and a lot of men to build it for-then the answer would still be easy.
But when you have a lot of men-for each of whom a house should be built-and each of whom has his own intlividual interests pulling him away from the house-idea; well, then.
That's the situation, mostly, in the building industry; aud. the answer seems somehow to lie in the words: "Stampede the herd".
People will do what they want-particularly a mob.
Ancl if they clecide to build houses-they,ll clo it.
So all you have to do is to get the idea-of-house-building into that mob's collective mindandvoila.
Remember please that this "mob" is the collective personality of your towns people.
Note, also, that practically everyone of them has SOME
Every merchant or professional man or laborer in town has a personal interest and profit through the builcling of a house.
Each one, however, sees only his own particular place instead of seeing the whole house. Each thinks ffrst of his own interest.
Suppose that AI-.iI-i could be shown, not merely his individual part, but the 'WIIOI.IE IIOUSE, with his part, perhaps, distinctly marked -
'Wouldn't it seem reasonable that AI_:L TOGETEER, would see their INDIVIDUAIT INTEREST in that house building?
Seems to me I read something about ,,The llome The Town Built".
"Mob Psychology"? Get together the PEOPLE INTEREST as you get together the MATERIAL INVOIJVED -and it seems that house building should boom in your town.
According to estimates of George B. McDougall, state architeet, new buildings, erected or contracted for by the tt_a!9_d1t1qiqS the year ended August I, l92Z aggregated. $5,992,627 in value. These ffgures include the new state buildings at Sacramento and San Francisco.
Our Plans
Every plan in these books is drawn by high-class architects of recognized ability of standing in their profession. We absolutely guar' antee their correctness and practicability.
They were made to use stock size sash and doors, and so framed that standard stock lengths of lumber will cut without waste.