1 minute read
ductory roposition
rmbermen two special plan books of strictly a special introductory price that has never pre- iotographs with foor plan attached, each photo irful and modern home. ed books l2Vax1sA inches, with the name of the
)ur own special home photographer on a spe_cial rost beauiiful and practical homes he could find. the highest standing.
rsands0 Photos is $25.oo
rractical blueprints of the homes shown in these rarantee these plans. irst come, firsl served. This proposition and AtIA$ r)(A$ )[|, ?# D or Your Money Back"
' responsibility--The California Lumber Merchant.
Our Record
We furnish the plans for the plan service for dealers distributed by the Long-Bell Lumber Co.
We furnish the plans for the Southern Pine Aseociation plan book-"Modern Homes"-of which | 90,000 have been distributed to lumber dealers.
'We furnish a plan service from which a sirigle line yard lumber concern has built fully 3,000 homes.
'We will glady furnish this firm's name as a reference.
We sell more home plans than all other plan book concerna.