2 minute read
Wallboard and the Lumber Merchant
Most of the live lumber d.ealers of the country tod.ay, carry wall board in stock. Most of them have learned. that it is a splendid eommod.ity that goes hand in hand with their regular stocks of building naterials, particularly in these kind of times when lumber has long been at a premium, and when this excellent and attractive material-made from wood pulp and. therefore a lumber itself-can and does in so many practieal ways work hand in fist with lumber in building, rebuilding and. repairing.
The fall is probably the best season of the year for the promotion of the use of wall board. The only other seasons that compare with fall for this purpose are winter, spring and summer. All seasons are open seasons for wall boartl use, as a matter of fact, just as they are for all builcling THINKING. But the fall IS a mighty fine time for making folks dig up dollars to trad.e you for wall board.
It can be used in a variety of ways, as is evidenced by the literature issued by the big waII board. firms. ft is a grand sheeting for new homes, for new ofrices, for new factories, iu fact for any buildings .where a substantial, practical, attractive inner lining is desired.
It makes a beautiful wall for the interior of the home. It is wonderful stufr to use for simply covering up old wall paper or old plaster, and putting a brand new and attractive wall inside the house.
This is a great time of the year to use wall board for improving the attic, and making it a practical and comfortable
A kiln dried board has more moisture inside than on the surface.
Oak Flooring made from resawn kilndried lumber has but one DRy surface.
SUPERIOR BRAND Oak Flooring, all thicknesses, is equally dry on both sides as it is not made from resawn lumber. Manufptured room for various utilities. Beautiful play rooms for the kids, or libraries for all the folks, can be made from roomy old atties, at very little expense.
Lots of folks get tired of looking at the same old time interior to their home. A little wall board, and the interior is changed, brightened, nade attractive and satisfactory. There is really no limit to the things that can be done with wall board. for improvement of builcling interiors. It is a wonderful addition to builcling material commodities, and one that permits a wide range of mental and physical activity of the builcling merchant.
Ilere is one of the big troubles of a whole lot of well meaning lumber merchants:
"f am going to set the river on fire-TOMORROW. ttl've made up my mind to turn over a new leaf, and nake the folks of this town sit up and take notice-TOMORROW.
"I've got some dandy good schemes in my head for improving the HOMES of this town, and believe me f 'm going to rlo it-TOMORROW.
"I've been standing still long enough, and I'm certainly going to start advertising and merchandising-TOMORROW.
And the answer is:
THERE IS NO TOMORROW. Tomorrow and yesterday are d.ead wood. Live TODAY. Work TODAY. Do things TODAY.