1 minute read
The Union Lrmrber Co. produces 140,(XX),(XX) feet of Redwood annually froqn itr own C,ali. fornia Mills, and is therefore an entirely DEPENDABLE cource of Redwood supply for producL
They hacl two children, Joseph, Jr., who ii- s."rct' c"iu is in the lumber business in San Francisco, a member of the firm of Fyfe & Wilson; and Mrs. G. B. Ilamilton, whose hus. band is an officer in the med.ical corps of the army. Iler home is in 'Washington.
A few of the outstanding evbnts in Mr. Fyfe's business career in Stockton are well worth noting. During the eighties he was eight years a member of the city council and took active part in politics.
He also organized and was actively associated with the Caledonian Club, an organization of Stocktonians of Scotch birth ancl blood, which bought Gooclwater Grove as a picnic ground for its holiday celebrations. This grove is now