3 minute read
Barr Lumber Co. Open Attractive New Store at Santa Ana
"ff It's from Barr's It's of the Best."
This expressive slogan, employed by the Barr Lumber Company of Santa Ana to distinguish its service and its produets, might well be applied to the new store, office and sales room just completed and. now occupied. by the executive stafr of the firm.
The Barr Irumber Company and O. H. Barr, the president, long have been recognized among the leaders in mod.ern and progressive merchandising methods in Southern CaIifornia. The new home of their institution establishes them securely among the leaders of progressive lumbermen in all California.
"I:et us build.,".said Mr. Barr in preparing plans for the new office, "not only a place where we can keep our books and write our letters and transact our business, but a sanctum for every man and every woman of Orange county who cherish thoughts of a new home or an improvement to the old. home in their hearts. "
And he has succeederl mightily in carrying out that idea. The new establishment is as much difrerent from the oldtime lumber yard. as an eight-cylinder automobile is from a one-horse shay.
A woman who has in mind thoughts of builcling a new home or improving the old home can go to the Barr Lumber eompany's office and do her builcling shopping. She doesn't have to go down a side street, through an unkept entranee into a dingy ofriee and then look at a pile of boards and timbers that offer her no thoughts of the purpose with which she came.
Instead., she drives down an attractive street to a handsome building, surrouncletl by trees and. shrubbery and steps through an inviting doorway into a cheerful, restful room where pleasant and courteous attendants wait on her, She is conducted into a well-appointed. room, nicely furnished, where plans, photographs and building ideas are suggested to her. In other words she is given "building service. "
'Without question the Barr ofrce is one of the most attractive lumber offices in Southern California and. there are few in the state to eompare with it.
AII the service arrangements are planned especially for the accommodation of the patrons. You can obtain an estimate, place an order, pay your account or consult with the officials all at the same time. Ever;thing is handy and convenient.
The entrance lobby is finishecl in the popular and beauti- ful figured southern red. gum, while the private office- is panelecl in the olcl stanclby, quartered white,oak, both-ffnished natural. The man ofrice is completely paneled in Douglas fir faished. in soft silver grey stain that is as eharming as it is restful. fn-tnii room the photographic house plan service will be kept and all interested in planning a home are requested to call and spend as much time here as they can-spare-. - -
One ol the special features is the bright cheerful serviee room built of plaster and National wood core wall boards and finished in ivory enameled redwood' trimned with mahogany.
There are two cedar closets, one built of Port Oxford' white cedar and the other of genuine Tennessee red' cedar' Eleven kinds and grad.es of hardwood fiooring are shown in panels on the counter tops,. showing exactly how each grade appears when ffnished. "
The liu-"" "o-puny succeeded the Griffith company which was establishea in fBZg. It is the largest lumber and woodworking establishment in Orange county, -employr,n-g about 60 men] The yards and mills cover nearly two blocks of tu\1;n, of the workmen have served' over twenty-five years with the company.
The Lath
My song is of a simPle lath, The whic[ most everY dealer hath, And which he stores in bundles in The yard or in the shed'
It seems a very little thing
To be the object that I sing, But I must get on PaPer what I have within ny head.
'When it has an active master
It can more than just back Plaster, Anil I want to mention brieflY
Some few things that it can d.o.
As a lattice you can use it
And with vines and roses fuse it fnto pergola or summer house
Of rainbow tinted hue'
'When on some uprights they are tacked,
You'Il see 'twas all that really lacked
To make a lovely Promenacle
Of any back yard Path.
And mother finds it easY PlaY
To put her knives and. forks awaY
'When separated by some bits
Of smoothed and varnishecl lath'
It will holcl a kitchen curtain'
As a rule it's fairly certain, Ancl it comes in mighty handY when
You've lots of things to mend.
To the llouse, it means erection,
To the Boy, it spells correction, Ancl in either ease, with house or boy, It fincls a worthy end.
It is but a grown-up sliver, And you'll easily diskiver
That it has a lot of uses other Than to make a wall. It is well worth your attention, For there's room herein to mention But a very few lath-uses antl You ought to know them all.