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Publtrhcd tb. lst rnd lSth of cach nonth rt {OI.' FAY BLDG.. L(xI ANGELES, CAI- TELEPHONE t?{.S Entsrcd ar Sccond-clarr ruttcr Septcmbcr 6, l;l/82, et tto Portofficc rt Lol Arryclcr, Cdifornle, uldcr Act of Mrrch I f8n.

Subrcription Pricc, $2.lXl pcr Ycar. Sin3lc Copicr, 25c cach. LOS ANGELES, CAL, OCTOBER 15. 1923

How Lumber Looks

The narket situation et tbir minute in thb rtate ir rcninirceot of the old dayr in otr tthome torm" when ttere war an alarm of 6re late at night. Everybody got out of bed, rtood around rpeculating on whore hotue war bumingt worrying that it misht be thc homc of a rclrtive or cloce fricnd in anothcr part of torrn, and thcn in dghr of rclid end the quieting dosn that canc nficn the "frs outtt whbtlc would blow in a few rainutcr $le dl went back to bcd, and back to norual

Two weclrr ego tbe California lurnbcr rrytolcmlerr, CrIifornia lumber buycrr and the Welt-coa.rt rnsnufac{uren were doing a heap of running in circlee and rpeculating on what was going to bappen, and when it would happen Thir short hrteri. ir a thing of the parL

Trading today b being doac on a much more conrcrvative basir, and while we do not ray that the rituation ie entirely settled, at leart tlriigr are cloce enough to normd agrin to rettle the fearr of the rnaiority.

Priccr on a majority of itemr are etill on the advancq dow, but crre and eteady. Buying har been made a little morr dfficult account of the orden for large blockr that heve beeo quietly placed by interertr for Japanece rhipr rnent. And there orden HAVE been placed. Local officer of rome of the Japaneee companiea have gone into the market and have placed orden for conriderable rtock, a large portion of them being for one and two inch 6r qommonr. Thic atock ir being ordered for rhipment during the next forrr months.

Keep in mind thet the reason ie approaching when the fir trade experiencel the usud intermittent winter rhut downe witb an exceptionally chort nrplus of logp. Tbcre ie atnoct bound to be a crntailment in the output of tbse nilb, how great ttir will be, will depend dtogethcr m the weattcr up thcrc.

We believe that any man would ray thet tbir nerkct ir rafe now, and wilt be rafe for rc'me time to come.

The water ratcr to San Pedro reern to be 6rrn at $7.25 to $?.5O. It ir a fact of oorrrc that e ercat $antity of lumbcr ir coming in on formcr chartere, at $6.50 and $6.75' but thce are no new chertcr being written at thelc priccr.

Thc new rail rater to Sarthern Califotmia will go into efiec{ on October 31rt. On and efter that date the rate from Portland to pointr in Southern California will be 60 cents on rhinglec, 5O centr on ronrgh *ockr and rhook. Polee and piling will take a 56 cent rate.

Reports from the 6r mills show a production for a weekr period of 112,fl)0,000 feet and ralee of 126'fi)0'(X)O fe€t" Ttey rhipped a little ovcr 116 million Thir bringt theit new burinerc to 24 per cent over prduction" Unfillcd reil orderr arnount to 65OO can.

The redwood milts oarne up conride,rably in their pro: duction for the part week. Thirteen reporting millr manufactnred over 7 million feet, and sold 812241000 fe€t Tbit ir againrt produc{ion and ralee of 5r(XX)'0(X) for the previour week

Tbe Southern Pine Arsociation report for a week'r timc, production, 81'OOO,0OO and ealeq 88'OOO'(XX).. Tbir bringe the baromAer reading to show the cales 8% above production and lVo above their normal cut.

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