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M. A. (Matt" Ha*r'fu prcridcnt and gcncral nrnrgcr of th" Van Andalc-Harrir Lumber Co., wcll known rctailen and wholcralerr of San Francirco and Northcrn California. Hc war born in San Francirco forty-eight ycars rgo and hrr bccn rfilieted with thc lumbcr burincu all hir life.. Hir 6rt cxpcricncc war gained with thc Harrir & Joncr Lumber Co.; and latcr ar olcr nanager of thc McCloud Lumbcr Co. Sau Francirco yard.. In April, lg116, he became ataociated with Lir fathcr, who foundcd the Mett Harrir Lumbcr Co., which wer merged into thc Vrn Arrdale-Harrir Lumbor Co. in June, 1906. At hie father'r desth in 1913, he war msdc prerident of tHe comprny.
"Matt" Harrir, ar he ir bcrt hnowl by hir many lurnbenncn fricndr, ir a rplandid gcntlcman and onc of thc rnort rcrpectcd and dcvotcd citizcnr of thc San Francirco Bey Dirtrict.. Hc ir rn enthuriertic boortcr for thc Bey Dirtrict and har grcrt confidcncc in itr future end poribiliticr.. Hc it nrerricd ead urakce hir honc rt Athcrton, whcrc hc tekct rn ectivc intcrort in thc civic affrirr of hir cornnunity, end i! r trurt G of thc tow[.'
Hc ir trcerurcr of thc Crlifornir Rctail Lumbcrncn'r Arociation and ir a rtrong edvocatc of co.opcr:etion of tLe rctrit dcelcrr. Hc bcliovcr thet thc cthicr of thc lunrbcr indurtry rnd a bcttcr uldcntradin3 bctwocn thc nanufecturcr end .thl dirtributor can bc bctt mrintrincd through co.opcqrtion.
Hc ir r ncrnbcr of thc Rourirnl Olyrnfic Ctubl lirtivc Sonr of- thc Goldcn_W_crg thc Feuily Club, Mcnto Golf Club, rad rll brelchcr of Meront'5r. FIR
Crprcity t0fO
Stock Sash
Hish Grade Stock and mixed catr our specialg.
All doorr made nrortise and tenon.