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'strtcrncn bavc thcir probleurr, end Govcrrnmentr hrvc thcit, but if you could plrnt the rpirit of Rotery through' out thc world, and turn it to precticel applicrtion, thcrc would not bc nuch wronS vith thc hunan proccrion.
tl crn undcrrtrnd how you hevc grown, how you hevc conc to c:acirc r ir.rt influrracc, bccaurs I tcll you fcllow-Roterilnr, no tnrttcr whcncc you conc, SERVICE IS THE GREATEST THTNG lN THE WORLD. Aad thc thing thet thc world acodr todey noro thu rnythin3 clrc ir to undcrrtend thet only rctwicc will nelrc thc rcrtorrtion thet cenc of thc tumultuour wortd wrr. If wc crn tll gct down to rcrvicc, hurnblc rcnicc, honcrt rcrviccl thc thingr tLet hunrdty nurt do to nekc thc rc. covc4y, thcn thcrj will comc out of thc grcrt dcrpondcncy rnd dircounjancnt rnd dirtrcrr of thc worldn r ncw ordcr, ud romc dey whcn wc accleirn ig I frucy I rhell rcc ths cnblcor of Rotary in thc forcaround bcceurc you, Rotrr;r, rcprcrcntetivcr of thc bcrt wc hevc in Ancrice, hevc plrycd your big prrt in nrrning rcrvicc onc of thc prritcd oficringr of hunrn Lind.'
-WARREN G. HARDING, Bcforc Intcrneti,onel Rotery, St. Louir, Junc 21, 1923.