2 minute read
United Sash and DoorDealers of So. Cal. Have Get-Together Party at B,ig Bear
(Contributed ,by a Member of the Party) V who were enjoying an early *olrrirrg swim. The birds
Leaving Los Angeles at 12:30 Friday afternoon, Oct. 5, were very much excited by the seriousness of our b,oys, and albout forty in the party going via Victorville without any after dodging shots for several hours, gave up the lakes serious mishaps, all Studebakers leading, we arrived safely and retired to the hills. There were no casualties amongst at Lowes Camp at 7 o'clock. Lowe, who by the way is a the ducks, and asl far as we know every duck is still in the jolly good fellow took keen interest in the party, to see Big Bear Country. Brownie and Lowe put on the banthat all were served with a hot meal and cottages furnished quet Saturday night and I want to tell you they didl not with good comfortable beds. We all c,ongratulate Johnnie overlook anything. It was a huge success and everybody Lowe on his good judgement on pairing up, the boys, so had a jolly good time. After dinner Brownie entertained that those who love to skate around the Lake, (altho you and held open-house at his lodge, and I want to tell you he know there is no ice) would not disturb those who were in certainly has a wgnderful place, with all the comforts of the habit of retiring early. home, radio includbd, Bro*ni. is a regular host and showed
After dinner a nu'mber of us gathered in the large social our boys a grand time. hall which was prepared for us with tarbles, chairs and C. J. Laughlin who was to put on the initiation of the couches, and a roaring fire o,f pine logs in a large stone fire place. All the old-fashioned games which the forty-niners enjoyed so much in their day were indulged in by some of our boys, and so far as we can find out the only r,eal damage done, Ol'lie Topham lost his voice, don't know if it was caused by saying "That's good," or leading the singing of the good-fellow songs at the dinner table.
All the gun artists of the party {'ere on the l'ake at daybreak Saturday morning after the several hundred. ducks
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Bayou La Fouce Club, while standing on the Dam, inspecting the great feat of the engineers, had the misfortune to loose the by-laws and pass-word, which were blown from his pocket into the 'lake, and could not be recovered, so this event has been postponed to some future date.
A.ll left Sunday on the 11 o'clock control by Mill C'reek, arriving home Sunday afternoon feeling fine.
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