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u'lclo ieaed! Tiue diSUnction

rn a Shlngle solq thicker;rcOf, sffir; 1r J---;",-;-

In addition to weather beautyinroonnsi."o*i,,st:T:Tl'*

a)ith abnlutely qclusiae color effgcts

, -.

qnd mo.re impo49lt. J9 mpej. thjs of its endurance. Richardson felt, as unusual dimensions which give added qemano' a new $ate-surtalec $ungle you know, has for the last fiftv vears life to the roof at % less in cost of has been created-one of outstand- U;nG;fiit;d;i6;bead--dnatli; t"vfit. SeconA-iiieption.attv higti ing d.istinctio-n in its combined serv- iJptat-iiitiCt soij into lf is 6i ilii liii-it"naitalin G-niai".ijii1 Afia iceability and beauty. h[5g;i c.td; A;-m."6riirs ,'iit,iid 6ary:-ad;L6iv--eiclusive cotor

This unique product is the Richard- exclusively by the Richardson process. effects.

:3lfltri;:iiTn:lt*;,?H:tj}; Beautyhithertounhnown Thesedennitetarkingpoints.w'r on--t-tt"- it-uit"ttl-t'itnaitit of home- ' "':::- -:"-'-'-"" . appeal 'toyourl'stoqJers-especiallv owners and builders fruu. oiltiiii'i, q thtp super-shingle alone- is used a the exclusive color effects._.And, of about it, and its sales have increased 9-919r rn..sirte tritfierto untniwn-i course, Richardson Super-Giants are iJnairiiiuiv. --- vE


fi:arnfff;,.3fl,{,lj#i3.r3i€.""?*ry# rn. :$Flti"fly for new or "over the ord

It is as beautiful as the russet of send for our beautiful new color compare it with ordinarv *q{{ngles- No^'iuii6ui fields, and with use,. it chart, together with samples of for instance' as to serviceability' inEriiniJ.:"a-aeepens.to a shade like Richardson super-Giant shingles in

You can easilv see thl'I?::,Ltu

Its greater size (10u x 14") saves the thatch of an English cottage. weathered browi and other colors. For 35lo ii cost of laiine. tis 5O7o Architects are enthusiastic over its every roofing use there is a Richardgreater thickness mdkes"it last mudli d;;;ffi;ir*6,6ilaafiffiltii 99r.t ploduct-f1o.m Lok'Jo.p Asphalt ionger and 9ast9 a.dggoelshadow line Lfinduo",itr, other Richardson shini SitigslSs to Rubbertex Roll Roofigs oni,he roof. And its'l0O/e.greater ;6;i ilA;F[,; til"-red,;d["& with Pyra.mid Kaps. Just use the stifiness keeps it risid inall kinds of il"atf.- '-* srwu' uu rsu' vr ur4!s coupon below.

;ffi*:t" ffi.mat<es the whole roof

TheseJacts wiil sell it



Moreover, its inner-materials, felt A super-stringle, indeed, when you Lockland(cincinnati)ohio and asphalt, give conclusive evidence weigh its points one by one! FirJt- MeLqc park (chicaso) 11. Ncworlcans,r.a.

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