1 minute read
Devidin' the Chicken
The colorcd parson was invited to dinner by a dusky belle of Memphis, Tennesseg and when he arrived, found that he was one of four of the male sex who werq to share the hospitality. All the other threo were strangers to him.
The hostess presided gushingly, and when a big baked chicke,nr was broughn in, she began carving and serving.
Addressing one of the strangers she asked: "Whah ah youall frum, Mista,[ackson?"
"New Yawk," he responded. So she gave hina one wing.
"An whah is you fnrm, Mista Smith?" she asked the next stranger.
"From San Francisgo," he responded. So she gave him the other wing.
"An whah is you frum, Mista Davis?" she asked the third stranger.
"Chicagq" hc replied. And she gave him the neck.
Then s.he turned to our hero. "An whah is YOU frum?'" she asked, poising trer knife and fork abortre thc ford.
"I! youall don' mind Ah'll have a slice of roast bceftr" he replied," cause Ah'm from New Orleans."
A log tnln m thc my to tnc nllh. Iogvlcw her rgll conncctiona that nrkc pcslblc thc trenrrrottetlon of loer bynll