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Coast MilorE VIEw

Longvew oftrt these advantages: pROXIMITy l,ongyiew is in the very Cg*lip River valley northwar'd. Ocean' OffffVfbfn center of the dense going steamers, teaching all ports of the Douglas 6r territory of world, stop at Longview.

Xfl:l"iJ,"n*"?Xt;JJr::1,*it MARKE'rs l:i'r ig-estic rnarket ;i;il;'t;il"-U' ;;E-'h6;a-6 f:i lt^t-rg:ig" markets foater down the C-owlitz and ioiumbii are accessrDle ltom l'ngvrew' Riv.ers,.both of which_ta?, s1"i! 1#19f MoDERN, HEALTH. Longvrew. is timber_land. l,ogs can also beshipped zuL COMfnfUNfTi not a.1nill ln Dy ralr. town-itiE an

CHEAp FUEL Coal is mined cloee ANP Powrn Pv, in cowlitz ,and IJWII \-OUnUeS. ruet oil is shipped in at low tidewater rates. The immense electric power plantatlongview, together with hydro-electric power' will furnish power at economical rates.

LABORkbor is always-attracted by new industries locating in a model, healthful communitn such as [,onnn'iew. Longview is also near the popilation centErs of Seattle, Tacoma and Portland.



Nothem Pacific,Union Pacific and Gteat Northern sewe l,onpiew. The Longview, Portland & Northern tapsthedch independent American citywhere all inl dustries will be welcome on an equal footing. It is a modem city with evety conveniencrit has a six-story, fireproof hotel, many modem business houses and hundreds of beautiful homes-all built on the townsite,planned andzonedby orperts.

The Long8ell Lumber Compann thtough lts cn gineers and trensportation expertq aelected ac the most eficient sitc for ita gteatest lumber millq a ocnlneula at thc iunctlonof the Cowlitz and CoIumbta Rivcts, bdlfiilay bctqrecn Pordend end the Pacifc Ocesn. To qovide adequatcly for itt needs, a large tnc ofland,topogrebhically auitcd for buildings of eU Llnds, wac purchoaed.

Out of this transactlon her grown thc ncw clty of Longview,'Washington, ln many wayr a city without oarallel ln the historv of munlclpalitlcs

The saml tcrts by which L,onj.Bell dccldcd upon Loncviewcenbeapplied by sny othct lndurttr aeeLfng a locetioriin the-grcit Pacific Coei Doulas 6r region.

A ttattmcnt of lorr ttgdraunfi will Drittgltot a rcll1, dctribittg ir daail tbc advantagct that Long,vtcna ofert lott.

Tlrg LONovtEW CoMPANY, Longview, Washington

Hotcl Moatlccllc- rkcorv. f,reproof rttucturc wtth 2d0 romt Regrclcnntlve of thc hlah chrrtcac ofthc buildtng| rlrcrdy cmrtructcd or unda cmrmcdm rt l,onivlcw.

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