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Manufacturers of Douglas Fir and Port Orford Cedar.

Sawmills,Marshfield, Oregon.

Distributing Plant, - Bay Point.

Annual hoducion 2(X),(XX),(X)0 Feet




Of The California Lumber Merchant, publistred semi-mouthly at Los Angeles, California, for October l, 1931 State of California. County of Los Angeles.


_Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and couuty aforesaid, personally appeared ?hil B. Hart, who, having been duli sworc accor(ing to law, deposes and says that hc is thc Managing Editor of the Calilornia Lumber Merchant, and that the following ii, ao the best of his lnowledge and belief, a true statement of thc ownership, manage. ment (and if a daily paper, the circulation), etc., ot tha atoresarct publication for the date shown in the above caDtion. required by thc {.ct of August A, 1912, embodied in sectio! 449. Postil Lawj and Rcgulations, printed on the reverse of this for6. t6-wit: l. That the aames and addresses of the oublisher. cditor. manaciac editor, and business matrager are: Publish?r. I. C,' Dionn'e. 408 Tai Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.; Editor, J. G Dionnri, ,t0B Fav Etac.. I.oi Angelcs, Qal.; Jllanagiog Editor, Phil B. Hart, 408 Fai Bld-.; I.os Angeles, Cal.; Business Manager, None.

2. That thc owners are: (Give names and addresser of individual owners, or, iI a corporation, give its name and thc names and addrerscs of stockholdcrs owning or holding I per cent or more of thc total amount of stock.)

J. C. Dionne, O*'ncr, .108 Fay Bldg.. .Irs Angeles. Cal.

3. That thc known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holdcrs owning or holding I per cent or moie of tbtal anount oI bondi, mortgages, or otber securities are: (If there are none, so statc.) Nonc.

4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving ihe namei of the owners, stockholders, and security holders, if any, contain trot only thc list of stockholders and security holders as they appear upoa the books of the company but also, in cases where the'stockholder or scqrity holder appcars upon the books of the company as trustees or in ani other fiduciary relation, the name of the person or oorporatioa ifor whom such trustee is acting ,iE given; also that thc said two para- graphs contain statements embracing affiant's futl knowledge and belief as to the circumstanceE and conditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not app€ar upon the books of the compeny as trustees, hold stocl and securities in a capacity othcr thatr thit otr a bona fide orvnerl and this affiant has no reason to believe that any othcr person, association, or corporation bas any ilterest direcl, c indirect in the said stock, bonds, or othcr sccurities than as 80 St t.d by him.

5. That the average numbcr of copicr of each issue of this publica- tion sold or distribut€d, through the mails or otherwise, [e i paid subscribers during the six months pteceding the date shown abovc lc-... (This information is required from daily nrbtriilt1."ltrritr,

Sworn to and subscribed u.r.," Jlititlilr'l#"lit3o",#is lo". (sEAL.) ANNABEL STOCKMAN. (My commission expires Aug. 4, 7921,)

Solving Your Problem

We sell anything in softwoods that the Cali-. fornia dealer desires.

White Pine Dorrglas Fir, Redwood, Cedar and Redwood Shingles, Split Redwood Posts, Ties .* Stakes. ll ffi

Out connections arc the best, and ue gioe the best possible seflice.

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