3 minute read
'Lumber By-Productd, North and South
Mr. Fred C. .Hamilton, sales manager for the Benson Lumber Company, and formerly Vicegerant Snark of Hoo Hoo, in the San Diego District, has returned to San Diego after spending several days in Los Angeles.
Mr. Hamilton came north on ibusiness, and called on a good many of his wholesale friends, in Los Angeles.
Benson Lumber Company Officials Call In Los Angeles
Mr. Frank Lynchn 'President of the Benson Lumber Company, San Diego, and Mr. F. M. White, Treasurer and general filanager for the same company, spent several days in Los Angeles, last weeli, on a pleasure trip. Mr. -I.ynch proceehed to San Francisco, Mr. White returning to San Diego, after completing his visit.
San Diego To Have Modern Wharf
It is understood -that the Spreckles Brothers Cpmmercial Company, of San Diego, is planning to remodel the old Bunkers Wharf, into a modern wharf to be 75 feet wide by 1,000 feet long.
Trackage will be provided, and they will dredge to a depth of about thirty-five feet, to aocomodate lumber carriers,.and other freight boats.
A. S. McKinney, for the past two years in charge of the shipping department of the California and Oregon Lurn.ber Company yard at'Oakland, is now representing the company in the San Joaquin Valley and Central District. His territory will inc'lude everything between Lodi and Bakersfield. Mr. McKinney will make San Francisco his headquarters.
In fact, that's thc only kind of Rcd, wood we aell--extrr 6ne.
We havc ar 6ne Redwood timber as the Lord evcr plantcd in California, and wc manufacture it for you juet ae we would like it made for ru if we w€re the buyera.
Announcement was m,ade last week, of the purchase, by Mrs. E. A. Christenson, of all of the interests held by Mrs. W. A. Ifeitman, formerly Mrs. Chas. Sudden, in the firm of Sudden & Christenson.
It is understood that the retail yard in San Fnancisco, operated under the name of the Christenson Lumber Company, has passed into the hands of Mrs. Heitman, and will be operated in the future, as the SuddenHeitman Lumber Company. All other properties remain with Mrs. Christenson.
There will be no change in the name of Sudden & Christenson, nor will there be any change made in their mill, vessels, etc.'
Mr. A. B. Cahill, a brother of Mrs. Christenson, is the preside;rt of this company, with headquarters in San Francisco.,/He succeeded Mr. E. A. Christenson.
Mond Putting Two Boats Into Shape
he Pt. Adams, and the Pt. Bonita, two lum'ber schoon- ffr..operated by the Hammond Lumber Company, are beW reconditioned by the Hammond Lumber Company, at *o.t understood t6 be in the neighboihood of $17ii,0@.00.
Building In Fresno Shows Big Increase
Fresno, Oct. 2.-Building permits for the month of Septeniber totaled $?&,1?8, exceeding the amounts for September of the last two years, accgrding to figures announced by the Department of Public Works. The total for September, 1922, was $221,305, while for th,e same month in L92l it was $253,775. The total for the first nine months of. 1923 was below that for the same period in 1922, the figures showed. The records were : 1923, $3,564,65; 1922, $4,424,503.
Redwood Durabilitv
The Goyenmtan/ s ftgwa as b rtc ilwabilitg. ot loilkg quatrL tiis, of vooil (Whitc Oah bebl€ taf'tle u lO0%, 6c at f ollovs:
' Redwood-l2s to l75vo, Douglar Fire-75 to lWo. Western LarcleT5 to 85Vo. Western Hemlock-35 to 55Vo.
If it is nece$ary for you to furnigh your tiade with a chcaper siding why not do ao with our Redwood Garage Siding or Ertra Merchantable Siding, eithcr in Ir4 to 5/926. You will then bc protccting and incrcaging your good-will by aclling somcthing that will give permanent aatiafaction.
Ncw Publication Just Released by the National Lumber Manufacturers Association
The National Lumber Manufacturers Association, of Chicago, has just published a new issue of "LUMBER AND ITS UTILIZATION," an attractively arranged sixteen page booklet for the retail dealer...
This issue deals comprehensively with many subjects of interest to the dealers, and contains in'formation invaluable for the retailer to pass along to his customers. Subjects such as: "Financing the small home;" "How much should a home cost ?" ; etc., are ,covered.in. such a way, to make this book of special interest.

Mr. W. F. Shaw, assistant Secretary of the Association, announces that they have forwarded to the secretaries of the different associations enough copies, to make it possible to distribute this rbook to all of their members.
Lunbcr, rplit grtpG.takcr, po.tr
Cer3o and Rril Shipncntr
16 Califonria St -:. San Francirco
Catholic school erected ir 1870 nou being dkmaillid for its sound Reduooil bmb*,
Old Land Mi* built of Rd. wood bccomer new home and batn.
ETIFTY-THREE ycars aso
I- built thia Catholic gchool California. lt ie now being Redwood lumber it contains.
Father Hcnnebcrry for boye at Alton, torn