2 minute read
.KOAHawaiian Mahogany
Offers Distinctioe Hardwood Uooduorh At A Medium Price
for homes, ltores, rtore windowr, vectibuler and office buildings.
Koa is a high class hardwood, unusually well 6gured. When finished natural it shows exquisite high lights and shadows, or it can be stained as Mahogany often is. Koa runs clear and fine widths.
More Distinctiae Than Gum
Koa can bc finishcd in neutral tones likc Gum. It has, howcver, a more distinctiv€ and aristocratic appcarance than gum, and it is a far more durable wood. r
Vl/c hae-a Jinc stoe.ft of Jirc drg Koa on lund rcady for lmnrdlate delioag. Thts uootl is oorthy of gow ahcnlion.
Eles Hardwood Man Entertains Lumberman Friends
r. Al Hollivet, of the sales force of the American Hardwood Company, Los Angeles, entertained a number of his lumbermen friends with a stag affair at his home on the night of the 2nd.
.The evening.was, spent in pleasurable, and fo,r some, profitable, games and entertainment of various kinds, and the,jinks were wound up with a feed thdt was delightfu'I. Those.attending were: E. E. Taenzer, E. M. Taenzer, C. R. Tadnzer, J. C. Oriieiis, H. t. Rosenberg, L. M. Rosenberg, A. W. Koehl, Paul Penberthy, Phil B. Hart, and the host.
Mr. R. A. Fobes, Los Angeles manager for Sudden & Christenson, has returned from a trip to San Francisco, where he went for a conference with Mr. A. B. Cahill, President of the compdny.
Mr. Jack Rea, Los Angeles manager for W. R. Chambedin & Company, has returned to I os Angeles, from a trip North. He stopped at San ,F'rancisco for a few days, and made his headquarters at the Northern Californira offices of the companies.
All lumber used in the manufacture of Bruce nouldincs and finish is very care{ully seasoned in modera kilns, under the most - expert supervision, and is worked by the lat€st type machinery in our fully equipped mills at Memphis and Little Rdck. guallty and accuracy arc assured by Care in Manufacture and Scientific Kiln Drying.
Wg qen.make prompt ehipments of Red or Sap Gum Mouldings and Finish, plain or quart-ered; also of oak, red or white. eithEr quartered or plain, manufactured in accordance with the specifi- cations of the Standard Moulding Book.
Wrlte for prlcc.
With oak wag:on stock, Veneer stair treads, oak and gum dimension stock oak bridge plank and timbers cedar lumber and "Ceda'line," beech and gum flooring, Bruce Oak Flooring.
E. L. Bnrcc Co. M|!utrcluf.ra
Heat Proof -- Cold Proof rr Sound Proof With . One Material-CEl OTEX!
ir INSULATING LUMBER. It ir madc from baga!rc, or canc 6brc. Thir fibrc ir feltcd and interlaccd into a tough, rigid, bodrd, having great ltructural etrcngth.
Scientific Construction' Makes Good Buildings Better
No one todan who ir intcrcrtcd it boilditrg a homc can longcr afford to ignorc thc value of insulation iu the rvrallc and ro6fg a! protcction againct heat and cold.
The comrnon practiee of constructing buildingg with ordinary wood sheathing and building papcr, to ghut out heat and cold, ie gradually giving way to the uec of the modern-day matcrial{elotcr lnaulating [-umbor.
Thc rcicntific proccel, uecd in converting thc cancfibrc, from which Celotcr ie made. into building lumbcr caulcr it to dcvclop miriardr of minute air celh, forming itr remarkable ingulating quality. Itr rtrength ar dreathing har Eecn fully tcrted by leading cnginccrr, proving that itir ruperior to wood chcathing whcn uecd for thie purpoec.
Bcridcs rcplacing wood chcat'hing, Cclotcr ie alro a plartcr baec, climinating lath, an intcrior, crtcrior 6nirh, and gound dcadencr. Innrlation againet heat and cold ir combined in all ite urcr. Cclotc: makcr buildins! bctler.
Dealers Profit
Somc livc and up-to-datc building matcrial dealcr ie going to gecure diatributqr'r righte in your territory. You cannot afford to overlook thir oppor. tunity. It meanr money to you. For completc infrmation address: Wholccalc Dcpartmeng Wcatern Celotex Company.