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Announcement "Reciprocal" Jacobs from the Puts Over Good Hoo Hoo Meeting Electric Steel

Fittingly observing Fire-Prevention Week, Tad W. ("Reciprocal") Jacobs-, Los Angeles manager for the Lumbermen's Reciprocal Association, acted aJchairman at the October 7th meeting of the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club, an<l provided one of the best meetings [eld for some time.

A ten-piece orchestra of Los Angeles firemen gave a fine program during the luncheon, and then Frank Wise, VicePresident of the Club, after soaking a number of good sized fines, turned the meeting over to T:ad.

. Frank presided over the meeting at the request of president Byrne, but it will probably be some time before Frank it pu!_in the_chair again, at popular request, as he has a $Sh.idea of the_ pfQper amounl fbr a fine. But the Charity Fund was swelled by a nice amount, and the end justifiei the means. Chairman Tad introduced paul Overend, of the Northwestern Mutual Fire Association, tvho gave a twenty- minute illustrated lecture on "Fire Prevention.', '

It was very interesting, and the pictures were doubly interesting, most of them- being of Southern California plints.

Mr. Overend stated that fiie losses in the lumber industrv would be high in 1926, but that Southern Calfornia wat particularly fortunate in having a very low ratio of wood_ working and lumber plant fires. He credits this to the fact that California lumbermen give hearty co-operation to the carriers, assisting them in the preventibn rvoik and carryins out the recommendations made on safety firstapparitui etc.

From Aprilto October, 1926, the fire loss in the lumber industry in-the three Pacific Coast states, ran to the h;;; total of $2,351;000.

.The entire country will assume a loss on all fires in 1926, ot about srx hundred millio_ns,_ topping the staggering total of 1925 by about one hundred miliioridollars.

4r9. in these fires, last year, sixteen thousand people lost their lives.

Mr. Overend declared that every person in the country paid an assessment of twenty to- twenty-five dollars fJ. year to share the losses by fir6.

.His p-ictures showed deiails of well laid plants. vards and mills whose hazard's had been reduced to the *iriiirr"," ""a l1:1,11p]"yed scenes taken _in yards that we.e carellssly nandled, to show the marked contrast.

_, Kenneth Smith acted as Fine Collector at the meetins and ,F.?"l.< Wisetrged a good attendance at the ,."r -..i'i'ig:;l be held the 21st.

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