1 minute read
AGENTS fhdb.rt Mlll Co., Aberden, Wash.
Abcrdccn Lunber & Shlngle Co., Abcrdcen. Werh.
Ancrlcan Mlll Co., Aberdeen, Wash.
Hoquhn Lunbcr & Shbglc Co.. Hoquiam, Warh.
PrrrDc MilI Co., Prospcr, Ore.
Rrymd Lumber Co., Raymond, Wash.
Colunbla Bc & Luabcr Co., South Bend. Wach.
Lcvtr Milb & Tlnbcr Co- South Bend, Wegh,
J. A- Lcvi. Sb,lngla Co., South Bcnd, Wash.
Broollyn Raymond Cerncl Jane Chrirtcnron
Greyr Harbor Cbedec Cbrlrtouon
Crttcrtnc G. Sudden Edu Chrirtcnron
Vtaltr Edna
V. De Marais, well known in business cir,cles of the San Joaquin and Sacramento valleys, has joined the forces of the Pioneer Paper Company and will represent that organization in the territories covered by the two valleys, according to an announcement by J. H. Plunkett, general manager of the Pioneer Company.

De Marais was connected with the Diamond Match Company at Chico for a number of years and later was the Sacramento Valley representative of a cement company. He has many friend throughout the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys who will be interested in learning of his new connection.
The new official took over his duties on October 1. At the same time, the Pioneer Paper Company announced a general expansion in the concern's sales force.s to keep pac,e with rapidly growing business and a series of outstanding factory improvements made during the last year. One feature of this expansion was the recent installation of $130,000 worth of new machinery purchased in the East which, it is claimed, will triple the production of the plant. A 20,00Gpound shingle machine for the manufacture of Yosemite rock-surfaced asphalt shingles in large quantities was the major item in this machinery purchase. A $20,000 research laboratory, which will give free service toall users of the firm's products, was another recent improvement.